Showing posts with label Business | Money | Tech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business | Money | Tech. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Do You Know How To Back Up or Clone Your Computer?

Backing up your personal files can be very important so you won't lose your personal data.  There are several ways of creating back ups-- be it on local medium or the in the cloud.  But, what if you want to go beyond that?  I have been wondering for a while on how to back up my whole computer.  Meaning everything. I like how my programs run, I like how I have my drives are set up; and the way I can flow during work. And right now, I don't ever want it to change.  

I was searching on ways of doing that and it turns out "cloning" my own system might be the way. Cloning is the process of making an exact copy of your computer as it is at the time of the clone.  So, if your computer went down, theoretically you could insert the drive into your computer and keep working just as if nothing happened. During my search for answers, I ran across a YouTube channel called

Monday, July 8, 2024

Learning How to Be ‘Always Ready’ [a different take on an old post]

During my military days, I was once assigned to a unit who had a motto of, “Always Ready”. (Tish was cool as hell when everyone snapped to attention and yelled it out-- …was a lil bit corny tho…) It was a training unit and I believe the ethos behind it was that, as an individual and collective as a unit; we should always be ready to contribute to the accomplishment of the mission.

Therefore, being mentally, and physically prepared and present were essential in meeting goals.  Even during personal crisis, you had a contribution to make.  Now, I wished I learned how to totally apply that to my overall life.  I was great at compartmentalizing as I think many were.  It helped me to

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Learn Something About Your Social Media Strategy-- 4 Things to Consider

It’s important for every business owner to learn something about their social media strategy. Even if you don’t want to worry yourself and prefer to farm everything out.  At least know what platforms you are using and how to perform one of the tasks.

Blog, tweet, post, take pictures, or do something that will get you involved with the process so that you can become familiar with that aspect of your business.  These are four things to consider:

  1. It will help take some of the mystery and anxiety out of the technological mental block you may have.
  2. It will help raise your confidence level when talking to others about social media.
  3. You will gain a new skill and perhaps a new hobby.
  4. Only you know your business like you want it perceived. Being able to talk about it or painting the picture you want seen will help craft the brand you desire.  It might not be perfect—but “writing the vision and making it plain so that others may see and run with it” (Habakkuk 2: 2-3) it real.

Being self-reliant in at least one aspect of the social media arena is very empowering.  Using that

Friday, June 28, 2024

I Think We Should Work Harder at Getting 'Work From Home' and 'School From Home' Right

[Repost from my November 10, 2020 WordPress Blog site]

Personally, I think we should work harder at getting Work From Home and School From Home right.  The pandemic was and is rough.  It's not the first nor will it probably be the last problem in this 'brave new world' we are facing.

I think many people have looked at these two solutions as temporary fixes as opposed to working on them as long term cures that could potentially help out a lot of people.  Do you think people like driving 20 - 30 miles to a job where they only make between $7.25 and $12 an hour?  Especially if they could do the work from home?

Home schooling has actually been around for a long time.  This period has been an opportunity

Monday, June 24, 2024

I’m Not a Fan of Self-Driving Cars or Self-Aware Robots

First, I just wanna say I'm a big fan of technology. But, not so much of 'Self-Driving' cars.   As I have said time and time again, I think technology should assist us...not replace us or the things we do.

I admit, it’s kind of intriguing and exciting to think that we could travel down the road while the car drives itself.  But, I believe that kind of technology should have limitations and parameters to insure the overall safety of others.  We already hear about how early attempts of self-driving vehicles are causing some accidents; and honestly with new technology—that should be expected.

But, why can’t we be content with the integration of technological advances with the skills of human drivers?  Some companies have taken that approach with the park assist functions and lane monitoring.  I’m fine with that.  It helps real drivers avoid accidents and keeps everyone safer on the roads.

What I’m not good with is allowing a non-thinking or non- feeling object have total control over itself

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Don't Forget to Clean Your Fan (and Other Equipment)!


image of fan

Regardless of if you have a home office or work place facility, don't forget to clean your fan!  I was picking up a bit around my work area/home office room and started to sweat.  I'd just returned from the outside and thought, "it wasn't that hot out there".

I know that heat is trapped inside of a building, but still, it was warmer than usual.  I was going to reach over to turn on the fan, but noticed that it was already on.  Dusty, but on.  It wasn't properly moving and circulating the air. But, let me tell  you something. Taking 5 minutes to take the fan apart to clean the plastic blades and frame guard made a world of difference!

There was such an increase of airflow, and you could feel the room cool down almost immediately--and it wasn't even on high.

Sometimes we forget to service the tools we use in our professions.  This post was merely talking about

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Everything Is Going Back To Small Business and Sole Proprietorships

Do you think smaller businesses will save the day?

I think everything is going back to "small"-small businesses, mom and pop shops, and sole proprietorships. The economy is rebuilding itself in a different way.  Large businesses and their #Republican allies would have you believe that economic woes are due to Democrats, progressives and progressive policies.

Never mind the huge, two billion dollar giveaway the Republicans gave to corporations and continue to give. The greed and grift of big corporations is unreal! Most of the money that was supposed to 'trickle' down to workers and go back into the economy--was kept by greedy business owners.  None of the policies were executed as they were intended so, we are now on a different path.

Nope. I'm not an economist, nor a financial guru, but I have eyes.  And what I see is very interesting.  People see how the government has bailed out big business and banks time and time again.  But have not put the same effort into help regular people.  They have made it so that even though people can't buy what they need, they've still made the 'business' whole--and prices keep going up and up and up… the gouge is in full effect.  The housing industry is out of control.  Corporations and companies are buying up the housing stock, so prices remain ridiculously high.  Oil companies and big pharma have their way with regulations so that they pretty much do what they want to do, and the people suffer.

This is the good news.  People are finding out

Saturday, June 8, 2024

4 Things to Consider to Stay Productive and Motivated While Working Remotely

For many people, working from home is the ideal situation as it helps cut down on the costs associated with work; and helps mesh work into their lifestyle.  So I think corporations and management should keep that same energy that they had when asking people to work during the peak of the pandemic. Having said that -

  1. Management should approach the solution of working from home as an extension to working from the office -- even if they never go back to the office again. Communicating with employees using various technologies like phone text, Zoom meetings, Google chat, WhatsApp, and even Skype --can increase  esprit de corps (spirit of the group) among team members.
  2. Assume the motivation is already there... until proven not to be.  Then use conflict/resolution strategies to find out what's going on just as you would during a counseling session, or a one-on-one session, back in the office.
  3. Ensure everyone is familiar with, and skilled in, the use of applications and technologies being used by the organization. Sometimes, people need additional training

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Job Seekers Beware!

Watch out for identity thieves!

Job seekers, beware of people trying to gather information concerning you! Mostly, nowadays, I work as an independent blogger, writer, consultant--what have you.  But I still apply for jobs from time to time. And it seems like some of the job listings are nothing more than information gathering schemes

I get that employers want to know a little bit about you; but if you are uploading a resume--or filling out a sampler profile sheet (and you shouldn't have to do both) then that should be enough!

In my opinion, asking for the place of birth, birth date and the like, is a bit intrusive.  That information has nothing to do with your ability to do the work requested.  Also, if you are sent to a page where there are "ads" amongst the application questions-- is a bad sign that it might not be a real job.

Finally, I personally question companies that want you to send in a free sample of your writings or work.  If they can't follow the link you've provided to your portfolio or website to see your work (so that you can at least get a site visit click for your time); --then you have to answer the question if those are people you really want to work for.

If you believe that you are being scammed, most job boards and job sites have a way to report that job so that it can be removed.  Hopefully they have something in place to catch most of the bad listings-- but they might not be able to get them all. Happy Hunting!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Get Help with Your Online Presence


If we all worked together, something amazing could happen… probably.

UPDATED: (Original August 5, 2023)

I've taken the first steps in making my current blog a community resource and a place where startups can get reasonable and cost effective supplemental marketing starting at only $10.  Some businesses have difficulty deciding whether or not they need a website.  But everyone could use some type of online presence.

I've changed up my blog quite a bit, but I still offer the service of helping businesses be seen and heard online.  I consider my blog to be somewhat different because I try to really integrate participating businesses into my blog space, making the read hopefully more pleasant to view rather than have hundreds of  popup ads interrupting and distracting you from the information you trying to view.

Our site offers a listing different than a listing you would get on a Chamber of Commerce site, and we're designed to fit price wise into your marketing strategy.

If you have question or comments be sure to reach out!

🆕Schedule an Appointment!: 

Monday, May 13, 2024

It's Time to Increase Your Knowledge (Free eBooks and Recordings)

2024 is the perfect time to begin something new and invest in yourself by increasing your knowledge.  I was doing some research for possible articles for Black History month and other topics and ran a cross some great resources.

There are thousands of free books, recordings and videos on every topic you can think of.

Since I was researching black history, the resources I've included below are about that topic.  But you can do similar searches and find information on the topic you want.  This is a great time to be alive!

With a cell phone and a laptop, you can have access to much of what you would have if you were enrolled in a university.  Actually, you can do that too.

The links below are for google searches and a three  great free eBook and audio recording sites I found. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Does Your Business Have An SOP? Or Do You Just Wing It?

An SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) is a basic guide that gives you information about how an organization or company runs or operates.  I was first introduced to them when I was in the military and word as an administrative support specialist.

The book/guide was a wonderful and useful tool that told you all sorts of information about the organization.  Everything from working hours down to the dress code in some instances.  It culminated much of the information in the guide from other sources and served as a general breakdown about what to do and how it should be done.

When I switched over to the private sector, I sometimes found that a written SOP was not in place.  Sometimes, some of the rules were passed down by word of mouth and at other times, it seemed like they were being made up on the spot or real time as a solution was being contrived.

Do you have an SOP for your organization?  If not—it might be helpful to develop one, even if you are a one man/person operation.  It may help save time and resources should your organization grow, or

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

We Are All Time Travelers


watch image from MSDesigner

Have you ever wanted to time travel? I recently had "thoughts" about that topic, let's talk about it.  I know people talk about it all the time.  They want to go back in time or go forward in time in order to improve their situations or change the possibilities of things to come.  

I’m here to say today that we are all time travelers!  We don't realize it but, I believe that we time travel through our memories and our imaginations.  When we think about the past—and the things that we've done; that is exactly like going back in time.  Be it through your personal life or your business decisions, because one rule of time travel is that even if you went back in time, you are warned not to change the outcome.  You can observe, but you’re warned not to try to change anything in the past because you don’t know how it’s going to truly affect your future.  If you decide not to do a thing, or maybe do something differently, you don't truly know how that's going to affect you or the people around you (which was demonstrated in the movie, “Back To The Future”, or the many other science-fiction styled films that re-tale the storyline.

But in our memories and imaginations, it’s like the safety switch is turned on so that you are free to explore. We can go back to that point in time when we say, “oh man, I wish I had done this, or I wish I had done that”. And in that space, we can create whole alternative situations. The good thing about this process is, when we do travel back or forward in time, we can see the mistakes and take notes of those things so that we won't make the same mistake(s) now (in the present); or better prepare for the future. I think that is the best way we can use our abilities as time travelers.  Now that you are aware--Happy Trails, and Godspeed.  

Friday, March 22, 2024

3 Things to Consider Concerning Your Business Plan


image of strategy tree for business plan

I was going through some papers and discovered one of my old business plans I wrote years ago as an assignment for a class I was taking.  It was interesting to see and I considered the following thoughts.


1.       Your business plan should be a guide and roadmap to keep you on track. 

I was surprised to see that some of the things I had written back then, were part of the services I offer now!  I don’t know if it was something intentional back then because I was in the military. But what if I took the time and made it intentional?  Who knows what difference that would have made!  Start today. 

 Make the moves you make for your life and your business intentional. It doesn’t have to be anything grand; you can start with something as simple as deciding to look at your calendar on a daily basis. That could plant the seed of getting organized. Then, add looking at your business plan daily, seeing it may help you focus on activities that will put things in motion. That brings us to the next thought.

Monday, February 19, 2024

It is Important to Update Your Google Business Profile. Here's Why

I just received an email not too long ago indicating that any website I made with my Google Business Profile was going away and that I should update my profile to reflect another page or site that I might have.

I'm sharing this because there may be others like me, who took advantage of the free simple page at the time.  The update is an easy fix.  If you received a similar email, follow the link, which will open your Google Business Profile, and either replace the "site" link with another site or other social media content that you might have.

There is also a link to Google Help if more information is needed.   

Also if you or someone you know could use help with affordable advertising, tell them to contact me!  I assist with Awareness Campaigns and supplemental marketing.  See you soon!

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Hire an Office Manager Before You Hire a Project Manager

Business and its terms are constantly changing.  I've worked in offices and have been an office manager much of my career.  Before project managers, office managers handled a good majority of the tasks that might be considered projects in today's business world.

It was fine by me, but I've been asked to do certain tasks that a seasoned office manager could definitely do.  And at the end of the project (smile), I asked if they had someone internally that usually did that type of work.

In some of the conversations, it turned out that a company thought they were saving money by having someone come in for a short period of time; rather than hiring someone who had a general knowledge of the needed support. That approach works for some people.  However, some companies would be better off spending money hiring an office manager or specialist either full time, or as a contracted service.  For small and independent companies, I think a good rule of thumb would be:

  • If the project you are working on is outside of what the business normally does, a project manager would be appropriate.  Otherwise, hire a skilled office manager.

For example, if you are about to run a major awareness campaign, and marketing isn't your primary business, then by all means, hire a project manager to run the campaign.  But if it's something routine,

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

3 Things You Can Do To Organize Yourself and Your Business


image of file folders

It's the beginning of the year and I know you have that urge to do something that makes you feel like you are progressing in life.  Here are 3 things you can do right now to help you inch along!

  1. Get your email box in order.  You might be like me and have more than one email address.  If you've been busy and haven't check them thoroughly in a while, it's time to get back on track.  Make it intentional by carving out a few minutes each day to check and clear them out.  You could start out with 10 minutes.  Then, if necessary increase the time. You might find hidden opportunities that have been waiting for you!  You can also create a few additional folders to help you sort through the email quickly.

  2. Organize your files and paperwork.  This will be helpful in both saving you time and headaches! If you are a seasoned business owner, and/or have someone on your team managing your office and files for you, great! But if you are an independent  or just starting out and struggling-- consider this "in the trenches" method of maintaining your information.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

People Are Getting Creative to Get Your Data

People are getting creative with trying to get your data and information.  Some even pretend to "hire you for a job". There certainly can be legitimate offers coming in by creative and new ways; however, some of those “job offers” could be ways to scam you.

Today, I received a text out of the blue and thought I would present it here as an example. Now, as I stated this may be a legitimate offer—but I would be leery to reply and accept employment from anyone using this method. For me, there needs to be more there –there.  Let’s review the text.

First, it was just a text from a number that I didn’t know –and asking with an assumption that I would reply with a “Yes” … (being an affirmative response).

Instead, I chose to ask who it was that I was speaking to.  As you read along the conversation, I’ll present my thoughts.  First, Elizabeth said they used a recruitment agency to review my resume and now – I am shortlisted for a job.  Note that the job wasn’t actually offered-- yet the wanted me to reply with “Proceed” (being another “affirmative” response) to do something not yet clarified.  My thoughts were—well if you initiated and started the process without my affirmative response, you can continue the process without my input.

So instead of blatantly saying that I thought they were scammers, which I actually thought, I indicated that their approach was unusual and indicated that they should use the information on my resume to contact me. I have not heard back from them yet.

I’m making this post to hopefully bring awareness to how clever scammers can be.  It is a shame that there are people out there who have nothing better to do, but they are there.  Although I don’t recall giving anyone my account information and such, there have been reports in the past where banks and other financial institutions have had hacks to their systems.  One-word affirmative actions could be setting you by giving someone permission to do something nefarious.

Out of caution, probably the best thing I could have done was report the text as spam or phishing. But since I had been sending out my resume/vita I communicated while avoiding saying ‘yes’ or affirming anything.  I look forward to the day when white hat hackers can create something that will turn the tables on those seeking to do harm to others.  In the meantime, y’all be safe.

Keywords: finance, financial, money, personal safety

Monday, November 20, 2023

Another CEO Wanting to "Get Rid of Remote Work" 🥴


Fortune Article image of Citadel CEO 
Image: Fortune Mag Article Citadel CEO

I’ve seen another article about a CEO who wants to get rid of remote work in the online version of Fortune recently.  It discussed how Citadel founder, Ken Griffins says “employers won’t go the ‘extra distance’ to keep hybrid workers…

Why not?  In my opinion, CEOs of that ilk were certainly eager to have employees work from home during the pandemic.  Do they not plan for future events? Or, think that another event like the pandemic might happen again?  For me, it shows the short-sightedness and greed of some corporations and their leaders.

Why not take the opportunity to manage the business model into something more equitable for both employers and employees?  Honestly, I have never heard so many CEOs bitch about workers who actually make them money.

Yes, I do realize everyone cannot work from home; and there may be times for face-to-face meetings.  We that.  But it seems to me that since the government pre-bailed out a lot of companies and industries during the pandemic,

Friday, October 27, 2023

"The Age of Easy Money" was a great Film

 Recently, I watched a YouTube video documentary from Frontline|PBS called, Age of Easy Money.

If you ever wanted to get an idea and quick history about how flimsy the stock market and other schemes that might be at play, it might be worth watching. The video covered everything from the rescue of the economy in 2008 all the way up to speculation and Crypto. It focused a lot on the Fed… as it should.

It exposes the fact that uncontrolled "free markets" and "capitalism" doesn't work when mostly the rich benefit from it. You should check it out.



YouTube Image from "The Age of Easy Money"