Showing posts with label Thoughts of a Disciple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thoughts of a Disciple. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Is there any thing too hard for the Lord [Word]?


[Repost & revision from previous Blog of January 6, 2011]

Sometimes when we are going through difficulties in life, we ask ourselves, “How am I gonna fix this one?” I suggest the question we should or could be asking is, “Is there any thing to hard for the Lord/Word?

This question was posed in the Bible in the book of Genesis 18:14. During this biblical episode a truth was revealed to me, which is:  At all times and in every situation, look to God which is described in John 1:1 as the Word. We should realize that there is nothing too hard for the Word. It is our strength and present help; our fortress and strong tower. You should either be thanking It for a provision, and/or deliverance; or asking for the pathway out.

In the episode mentioned in Genesis, Abraham and Sarah were being told that they would be having a

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Daniel H. Speller: About Being a Disciple in Everyday Life - My Foundation and Belief


Updated: April 7, 2024

I wanted to explore the topic of Being a disciple in everyday life. In one way or the other, we are all followers of something.  This is my story.  I grew up as a preacher’s kid.  My mom was the minister, and my dad was a deacon.  I grew up with a good foundation in believing of an existence of a God. I found my truth along my path of growth; and I’m still growing to this day.

This writing, along with others that may follow, may eventually become a series of eBooks.  But for now, they are posts and articles, amongst my other posts, that describe my belief and approach to life as a Disciple of Christ, the Living Word. On the site, they will be under the hashtag and category of "Thoughts Of A Disciple".  Primarily, I've decided to place most of my thoughts and information on YouTube in a playlist, "Thoughts of a Disciple: God is Word".   I am hoping something will be said that will be both helpful and enlightening.  I believe we all need encouragement.  Life can be perplexing at times; and words of encouragement can often help along the way.

I’m writing this as a conversation, so there will be a lot of recalling, some reflecting, and going back and forth. Revisiting situations and using them as analogies is my jam. Alibi: I am not a life coach, but I do have circumstances that one can learn from, and they will probably be mentioned from time to time. Also, this is MY Truth; how I relate to God. You may relate to God entirely differently, if so—I won’t judge you, so don’t judge me.  It really is all about a personal relationship.

With that said, thank you for supporting me by purchasing and reading my books and visiting my website.  Let’s get into it.

My Foundation and Belief

I believe that there is a God; and that God is Word—based on the scripture found in the book of John1:1. It took me a while to come to that realization because I had always imagined God in the form of mankind, which limited me terribly.  Questions like What color is he/she? Why doesn’t he/she answer me? What did I do to piss him off today?  Why did he do this or that when it says he loves me, and he doesn’t change? …and on, and on, and on, the questions kept coming.

When the epiphany came for me that God is Word; and I explored that possibility; then read, processed, and received the rest of John, Chapter 1, so many things cleared up for me. God became the very essence of the words and message I was reading.  And like words, God was everywhere, all at once, at the same time—in different languages; being expressed in different ways—all around the world.  God could be found in portions of script and scripture in every religion—regardless of how mankind had tried to change or manipulate the words. God, being TRUTH, could still be found!  Even when portions of truth tried to be omitted, there were enough hints which were left to lead the reader to know: there was more to read and learn.  To see more, check out the YouTube Playlist!

Playlist: Thoughts of a Disciple: God is Word