Sunday, July 28, 2024

America Spends a lot on "Health Care"... but doesn't really have any


Photo by Cottonbro Studio on

[Updated repost from my WordPress blog of April 30, 2023]

It's amazing to me how much money the U.S. supposedly spends on #HealthCare, but doesn't have a good system to support its citizens.  Another solid effect of #cronyCapitalism.

I read a great, short article that explains the difference called, “Are Health Insurance and Healthcare the same thing?  In my opinion, they are not.

If we are going to spend money on health care, it should not go to bailing out insurance companies.  It should go directly to the people, so they can work directly with doctors.  And, if a 'system' of payment

Friday, July 26, 2024

About Being a Democratic Republic


“A democratic republic is a form of government operating on principles adopted from a republic and a democracy. As a cross between two similar systems, democratic republics may function on principles shared by both republics and democracies.” 


Some Americans see our form of government as a democracy; others view our government as a republic.  Both have elements of truth.  Our government was formed as a federal democratic republic.  We have adopted elements of both a democracy and republic.   Personally, I think that is pretty awesome.  In the Resource section below, I have a link to a general Google search that explores the topic in more detail.

As a citizen, I love the concept.  I just think we need to “tweak” the edges a bit and firm up on all the

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Politics: We Must Make Republicans And Democrats Minority Parties In Congress

Photo by RODNAE Productions on

[Repost of my WordPress blog of June 10, 2021] 

In my opinion, since both the Democratic Party and Republican Party included many conservatives who were against civil liberties of all people; they both technically are Republican, and neither represent the people as they should.

I am going to lay this out in its simplest terms because this is how it was revealed to me.  Politics have always been relative to money and power.  But at some point, back in the day, the Republicans, the party of Lincoln, got involved with fighting to end slavery.  Eventually, those in the Democratic party who were fervent in their efforts to deny people their earned rights, took over the Republican party; leaving the Democratic party as a weaker version of the Republican party (because they all didn't leave). 

I truly believe the Democrats in their current state, are far better than Republicans, but they often 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Mainstream Media is Messy


I was watching the Morning Joe show today and they are already trying to create pit falls for VP Harris (as I am sure other media outlets are doing the same).  This has always been something interesting to me.  Why do they usually go for the messy embrace?  Sure, smut sells. But at least try to have some sore of balance real time.

Bringing on someone to rebut what was said afterwards—even if it is a few minutes, or seconds, afterwards-- is too late.  Combine the time and let’s get into some real fact finding.  Oh, if we did that,

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

My Quick Take: Secret Service Director Cheatle Resigns


Congressional Hearing
Image: Created with Microsoft Designer

Several news outlets are reporting that the Director of the Secret Service resigned; probably, as well she should. But, I wish before she did so, she would have given Congress a piece of her mind--for all of her team.

I wish she  by stating that with Donald Trump's mouth, she is surprised that it hadn't happened earlier.  It's hard protecting someone who is a divider, who won't following directions, and who won't shut the hell up.

He constantly lies and brings divisive energy; which brings danger to everybody around them.  Who wants to rush out to protect someone like that?

She should have brought up the fact that Donald Trump likes people with AR-15s and other destructive

Sunday, July 21, 2024

It's Interesting that the Higher You Are, The Longer It Takes to Bring You To Justice

Photo: Sora Shimazaki on

[Repost of my WordPress blog post 10 May 2023]

It is interesting to me how hard it is to bring these Republicans to justice.  From Donald Trump, to Clarence Thomas to George Santos (if that's his real name).

All the while, police are being judge and jury by executing people in the streets and not even giving them the opportunity to get to trial!

Our legal system has never been that great, but now it's straight trash.  And, this is what happens when

Sunday, July 14, 2024

God is Not a Man... Numbers 23:19

 "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said and shall he not do it? Or, hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?"

~Numbers 23:19

[Repost of my WordPress Blog May 6, 2021]

It's been a while since I've written any inspirational notes or encouragements here.  I think about them a lot-- internally, but just haven't put anything down.

Today, I have something for you to think about from Numbers 23:19.  "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said and shall he not do it? Or, hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?"  …Awesome-- in so many ways.  But the long and short of it all, I believe, is that God (YHWH) is saying, I'm different.

For a while now, a concept keeps coming back

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

It's Not So Much What Others Think, It's About What You Believe


[Repost with edit from Blog of December 9, 2009]

It's not so much what others think. it is more about what you believe. I was reading in the book of Matthew (Chapter 8).  A particular passage of scripture stuck with me, because it read true.  “Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee”, the verse read.

The preceding scriptures were a couple of parables that described how faith operates.  Basically, the requirement to make “faith” work is “belief”.   As I re-read the scriptures a few times, I was fascinated how easy it was for some people to believe just because they do.

One of the parables was about a centurion who asked Jesus to heal his servant who was some distance away.  Jesus said okay, and had offered to go to the soldier’s house to heal his servant.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Creating Something From Nothing... of Sort


[Repost from Blog of March 22, 2010 with updates]

Many people find themselves unemployed because of economic problems. My encouraging word today is: Don’t be totally discouraged by what you have lost. You still have your talents, skills and abilities. You have not lost them. I encourage you to use the “Entrepreneur” approach. Create something from nothing.

For instance. If you worked in the banking industry, you may have the skill to assist others in qualifying for loans or help them understand the basic workings of the stock market.  Or perhaps you were a

Monday, July 8, 2024

Learning How to Be ‘Always Ready’ [a different take on an old post]

During my military days, I was once assigned to a unit who had a motto of, “Always Ready”. (Tish was cool as hell when everyone snapped to attention and yelled it out-- …was a lil bit corny tho…) It was a training unit and I believe the ethos behind it was that, as an individual and collective as a unit; we should always be ready to contribute to the accomplishment of the mission.

Therefore, being mentally, and physically prepared and present were essential in meeting goals.  Even during personal crisis, you had a contribution to make.  Now, I wished I learned how to totally apply that to my overall life.  I was great at compartmentalizing as I think many were.  It helped me to

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Learn Something About Your Social Media Strategy-- 4 Things to Consider

It’s important for every business owner to learn something about their social media strategy. Even if you don’t want to worry yourself and prefer to farm everything out.  At least know what platforms you are using and how to perform one of the tasks.

Blog, tweet, post, take pictures, or do something that will get you involved with the process so that you can become familiar with that aspect of your business.  These are four things to consider:

  1. It will help take some of the mystery and anxiety out of the technological mental block you may have.
  2. It will help raise your confidence level when talking to others about social media.
  3. You will gain a new skill and perhaps a new hobby.
  4. Only you know your business like you want it perceived. Being able to talk about it or painting the picture you want seen will help craft the brand you desire.  It might not be perfect—but “writing the vision and making it plain so that others may see and run with it” (Habakkuk 2: 2-3) it real.

Being self-reliant in at least one aspect of the social media arena is very empowering.  Using that