Thursday, December 21, 2023

Listen to "RebekkahTheBand" Music!

Rebekkah (RebekkahTheBand) is a young and upcoming creative.  She is making her mark in the music industry as a singer and song writer!  She is a thoughtful, encouraging and inspiring singer-songwriter, drawing off of her own personal life experiences to tell a story. Listen today and let it encourage you!

RebekkahTheBand Logo

Follow her on social media.  Be a part of what she does!

Music Site:

Rebekkah is a singer, soloist, and song writer who writes uplifting songs filled with praise and thanksgiving. Follow her music and show her support!

Address: United States

Telephone: 919-699-7359

Other Contact:


Jean P Coley – Isagenix

 You can be confident that Isagenix and Jean Coley are committed to your success by offering you the opportunity to live a healthy, clean, and lean lifestyle.  And, you could create wealth while doing so!

Click Links to visit my site!

Well-Being is very important to a vibrant life. I’ve listed products below that may help you reach your goals!

*Gut Health
*BEA Biotics

Visit my site to find out more!

It’s defined as a tropical or subtropical plant belonging to a diverse genus native to Africa and southern Asia.  The leaves, fruit and other parts of the tree are used chiefly as an herbal dietary supplement because of its high levels of antioxidants and other properties.

The Art of Wellbeing

Start your Wellbeing Journey Today!

For more information contact:

Jean Coley
(919) 749-3071
or website:

Be sure to visit the link to my store!

My Isagenix Link! Let’s work together!

My personal Isagenix Success Story is just one of the thousands of success stories shared by people who have experienced incredible results using Isagenix Systems.  Health and happiness awaits!

See my list of Isagenix Products on my site! 

Additional Information

Isagenix has great line of supplements including Moringa. Jean P. Coley is a friendly, independent representative that can help you find information and answer questions that you may have. Contact her by using the information below.

Address:  Raleigh, NC

Telephone:  919-749-3071

AME Empowerment Center/Shelter

The AME Empowerment Center [Homeless Shelter] (Church Shelter) in Raleigh NC needs the continued support of all who care about the homeless and who want to help bring relief to their plight.  Persons who would like to support this outreach ministry may do so by calling the Shelter and making inquiries at (919) 834-3734.

With You, We Can Make A Difference!

The Problem:

Homelessness is a problem that is occurring with increased frequency in the cities and towns of North Carolina.  The N.C. Department of Human Resources reports a 50% increase in the number of persons  seeking shelter in Raleigh, the state capitol.

Our Challenge:

Recognizing the growing numbers of homeless persons in the City of Raleigh, N.C., the Women's Missionary Society (WMS) of the Western North Carolina (WNC) Annual Conference, in 1987, pledged to carry out the goal to help the plight of the homeless.

Our Response:

The WNC Conference Branch WMS opened the AME Church Shelter in Raleigh in April, 1988, with the assistance of Mrs. Shirley J. Sheares, Founder, and others. Seeking to provide more than just shelter, the AME Church Shelter attempts to make constructive use of the daylight hours to coordinate vital city services  (i.e. social, medical, employment) in ways that help homeless persons solve the problems that create and sustain their homeless condition

Need More information?

Contact the Shelter.

(919) 834-3734

Additional Information

The Empowerment Center is a shelter and source of support in Raleigh, NC.

Address:  412 Capital Blvd, Raleigh, NC

Telephone:  919-834-3734

Other Contact:

Website: Men's Shelter in Raleigh, NC


eSpeller Designs

 eSpeller Designs specializes in hand sewn and personal touch gifts.  If you can imagine it; I can help get it done!  Please visit my Facebook Page listed in my contact info to see some of my creative ideas!

  • Children’s Gifts
  • Embroidery
  • Sewing
  • Creative Room Designing and painting
  • Cards

and More!

Visit their Facebook page and see all the great samples of projects completed in the past. An excellent resource for unique, hand-crafted gifts.  Social Media: Facebook Page

“Hand Sewn and Hand Painted Gifts!”


Samples of work!


#handsewn #gifts

Etiquette by Genea


Etiquette by Genea

Genea knows Etiquette!  She is a  wealth of information when it comes to knowing about social graces. You know… things like: which fork to use, what to do with your napkin, when it’s appropriate to leave or bow out of a conversation, even what’s appropriate to wear for specific occasions!  …All of those things.  She has been an etiquette trainer for years; and has helped both young and old to overcome their fears of how to interact with others during events, business meetings and networking functions.

Regardless of the situation, she will, more than likely, have advice or training that will help.

Use the form to contact her or leave a comment in the comment section!

Additional Information

Genea is an etiquette trainer and coach. She offers advice and training sessions across the U.S. by appointment.

Address: United States

Other Contact:



Wednesday, December 13, 2023

People Are Getting Creative to Get Your Data

People are getting creative with trying to get your data and information.  Some even pretend to "hire you for a job". There certainly can be legitimate offers coming in by creative and new ways; however, some of those “job offers” could be ways to scam you.

Today, I received a text out of the blue and thought I would present it here as an example. Now, as I stated this may be a legitimate offer—but I would be leery to reply and accept employment from anyone using this method. For me, there needs to be more there –there.  Let’s review the text.

First, it was just a text from a number that I didn’t know –and asking with an assumption that I would reply with a “Yes” … (being an affirmative response).

Instead, I chose to ask who it was that I was speaking to.  As you read along the conversation, I’ll present my thoughts.  First, Elizabeth said they used a recruitment agency to review my resume and now – I am shortlisted for a job.  Note that the job wasn’t actually offered-- yet the wanted me to reply with “Proceed” (being another “affirmative” response) to do something not yet clarified.  My thoughts were—well if you initiated and started the process without my affirmative response, you can continue the process without my input.

So instead of blatantly saying that I thought they were scammers, which I actually thought, I indicated that their approach was unusual and indicated that they should use the information on my resume to contact me. I have not heard back from them yet.

I’m making this post to hopefully bring awareness to how clever scammers can be.  It is a shame that there are people out there who have nothing better to do, but they are there.  Although I don’t recall giving anyone my account information and such, there have been reports in the past where banks and other financial institutions have had hacks to their systems.  One-word affirmative actions could be setting you by giving someone permission to do something nefarious.

Out of caution, probably the best thing I could have done was report the text as spam or phishing. But since I had been sending out my resume/vita I communicated while avoiding saying ‘yes’ or affirming anything.  I look forward to the day when white hat hackers can create something that will turn the tables on those seeking to do harm to others.  In the meantime, y’all be safe.

Keywords: finance, financial, money, personal safety

Monday, November 20, 2023

Another CEO Wanting to "Get Rid of Remote Work" πŸ₯΄


Fortune Article image of Citadel CEO 
Image: Fortune Mag Article Citadel CEO

I’ve seen another article about a CEO who wants to get rid of remote work in the online version of Fortune recently.  It discussed how Citadel founder, Ken Griffins says “employers won’t go the ‘extra distance’ to keep hybrid workers…

Why not?  In my opinion, CEOs of that ilk were certainly eager to have employees work from home during the pandemic.  Do they not plan for future events? Or, think that another event like the pandemic might happen again?  For me, it shows the short-sightedness and greed of some corporations and their leaders.

Why not take the opportunity to manage the business model into something more equitable for both employers and employees?  Honestly, I have never heard so many CEOs bitch about workers who actually make them money.

Yes, I do realize everyone cannot work from home; and there may be times for face-to-face meetings.  We that.  But it seems to me that since the government pre-bailed out a lot of companies and industries during the pandemic,

Monday, October 30, 2023

MiNews Update Vol 2


Israel and Hamas.  Rather than to seek peace option, Israel has chosen to go forward with their plan to fire upon Gaza in an effort to "drive out Hamas".  Many, including some Israeli citizens have demonstrated and called for a cease-fire to work on a solution.  The latest skirmish is from an attack Hamas made on Israel.  However, it should be noted that for than 50 years the Palestinians in total have been under a heavy occupation by Israel--with Israel making unrecognized settlements in lands considered to belong to the Palestinians.  In my opinion, it is a total mess over there.  I pray and hope for a peaceful solution.

Dr. Cornel West for President.  Dr. Cornel West is still running for President.  Although the news isn't covering it much, Dr. Cornel West is still in the race for President of the United States. There have been a few changes in his campaign, but he is still in the race.  He initially started out as a candidate for the People's Party, then switched to the Green Party. He now runs as an Independent and states that he will continue in the race until election day.  The Wiki information on Dr. West has a good summary, but If you'd like to read more about Dr. West and  his political platform, visit his site at: .

Bertie Business Network (BBN) in the news.  There was an interesting article in the DailyAdvance Online about broadband featuring Nicole Outlaw, the BBN's Founder.  It is noted that Fybe (which used to be called Roanoke Connect) has don't a lot of broadband upgrades in the area and Nicole talks about the great possibilities of it for businesses in the area.  You can find the article at this link: Broadband: Digital at the Doorstep by John Foley, Staff Writer.

Medicare Annual Enrollment Period.  Okay, by now I know everybody has heard that this is the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period.  It goes from October 15 - December 7, 2023.  The official Medicare site is:  There are a lot of commercials and people who will be calling you on your house and cell phone.  I caution you that should not be giving out your information to everyone calling on your phone.  The safest thing to do is to make the call to your provider and visit the office site so that you can get the best information.

Friday, October 27, 2023

"The Age of Easy Money" was a great Film

 Recently, I watched a YouTube video documentary from Frontline|PBS called, Age of Easy Money.

If you ever wanted to get an idea and quick history about how flimsy the stock market and other schemes that might be at play, it might be worth watching. The video covered everything from the rescue of the economy in 2008 all the way up to speculation and Crypto. It focused a lot on the Fed… as it should.

It exposes the fact that uncontrolled "free markets" and "capitalism" doesn't work when mostly the rich benefit from it. You should check it out.



YouTube Image from "The Age of Easy Money"

Friday, October 13, 2023

Explore Your World From Where You Are… Then Travel!

image of local beach/cove called Tall Glass of Water Project
DHSpeller Image: Beach/Cove TGOW Project

In my opinion, exploring is part of human nature.  Some people like to do it a little, others like to do it a lot.  Today, I'm here to encourage you to not be discouraged if you can't do it as often as you like. As a matter of fact, I would argue that actually going to a location is only part of the journey.  Start the trip by seeing it in your mind's eye first.

Take some time to learn about destinations right from where you are. Use resources like your cellphone, computers, books, and even people that you might know who have been where you want to go or might be native to where you want to travel. That will help build  upon the overall experience and prepare you for what you might encounter when you get there.

I currently live in a rural area, but I've traveled some in the past.  And some of the things I learned from the military when preparing to change duty stations is to learn about the place you are going to.  That has endured as such a lesson to me that I often look up places I intend to visit even now!  I often go to YouTube and pull up live webcams for Florida, Hawaii, the Caribbean, Puerto Rico, Africa, or even New York or D.C. just to put my mind in position of being there.

I encourage you to explore more--right where you are and prepare for the journey!

Happy travels and safe journeys!

Resources: Link to YouTube Video

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Thank you Udacity l OneTen and BIT

My Udacity/OneTen Nanodegree: Digital Marketing

A very cool thing happened to me on Monday. I graduated and received my Digital Marketing Nanodegree from Udacity. It all started when I was awarded a scholarship to attend the online program. I believe the scholarship was a joint venture between Udacity, OneTen, and BIT (Blacks In Technology).

It was a great experience for me because I was able to pick up new skills, and be exposed to new methods concerning marketing, that I was unaware of.  As you may know, I'm a blogger and I write content primarily because I enjoy it.  But, the new knowledge will help me manage and operate my site more efficiently.

The techniques and the Insight that I gained from the program will hopefully help me increase my social media reach so that I can in turn, help others with their awareness campaigns.

Some of the topics we covered, and projects worked on, were data analytics using Google Analytics, scheduling content for posting, creating user personas (to identify your intended audiences), and managing marketing campaigns from start to finish. We also worked on ad creation, and AB Testing. Some of these things I had heard of before, but most I have never used/implemented.  Now, I can put into practice my newly acquired skills and take my site to the next level.

So, shout out and  thank you Udacity and OneTen and BIT for the opportunity.  I appreciate the knowledge and it was time well spent.

#DigitalMarketing #Udacity #OneTen #BIT #BlacksInTechnology #DanielSpeller 

Monday, August 14, 2023

History, Culture, Life. Now is the Time for Change.

Sunset: Bing image
Sunset image from Bing

I was sitting and thinking today that if there was ever a time for black people to  learn about history, culture, and life, now would be that time.  With modern technology, so much is available at your fingertips.

Even if people are trying to lie and keep the truth from you, you can find it.  Even if mama and 'em never said another word about the past, so much truth is crying out from everywhere that it is undeniable. Now, is a wonderful time of opportunity and discovery.

Of course you can't believe every single thing you read on the internet; and things have to be researched and verified, but just simply being exposed to so much knowledge and information is  simply amazing.

In many of our conversations, I think we get side tracked and focus on the wrong things.  Even when distractions are plentiful when in the effort of some trying to hide the truth--knowledge is still there. Right in front of our faces.

For instance, even though some conservatives like the Florida Governor, don't want you to learn about the civil rights activities  of circa 1954, if we just do the math-- that was only 69 years ago.

The Truth is many, many people are alive who are 69 years old... and much older. So the question is,

Thursday, June 29, 2023

June 29th 2023: Clarence Thomas Day


My opinion about justus Thomas

Today, Clarence Thomas, and his buddies, decided to declare that Affirmative Action should essentially be no more.  It’s interesting that this decision should come at this time, but we as Black people will do what we have always done—grow and prosper.  It may take a little time to adjust, but not long.

As in all things now, time has considerably sped up and we are on a trajectory to overcome that cannot be stopped. Clarence Thomas, and his ilk, are but a cog in a wheel. And when cogs go bad, they are replaced.

I declare today Clarence Thomas Day because I want people to remember what NOT to be when you are in a position to do good for others.  Self-loathing, non-self-aware and a grifter, are all the traits he seems to display in his position as a “Supreme Court Justice” … or maybe he’s the supreme court jester, I can not tell. Let this day be a day that all remember and let it be said: He did all he could to keep his people down. May God wrestle with his soul.

Enough about Clarence. It’s time now for us start making decisions that benefit us as black Americans. Leave the parties, become independent and vote for those who hold your best interest at heart.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Ways to Reduce Water Retention


Since I’ve been back in my hometown, I’ve noticed I’ve been putting on weight… and my ankles look swollen. 🀨 In doing a few searches online, I discovered it could be from water retention. So, I thought I’d write an article about it.

There was one particular article found on that I thought was very interesting.  It’s was called 6 Ways to Reduce Water Retention (Edema).  Generally it said to:

1. Eat less salt

2. Increase Magnesium

3. Get more vitamin B6

4. Intake more Potassium

5. Try Dandelion

6. Limit refined carbs

Edema, water retention, happens when excessive fluid is retained in the circulatory system or within tissues—causing swelling in the hands, feet, ankles, and legs.  There are several potential causes for this.  Hormonal changes, lack of physical activity, kidney disease, obesity, and even allergies are a few that I'll mention.  The article I mentioned above names others as well.

My concern at the moment is with my ankles--so I was looking at ways of addressing that issue.  If you have a concern with water retention, please check with your doctor (if you have one), to make sure it’s not a serious condition associated with why you’re retaining water, otherwise there are a few things you can try to maybe help reduce the amount of water being retained.

NOT Drinking water is NOT THE ANSWER.  Surprisingly, you may not be drinking enough water to begin with—which adds to the problem of fluid retention.  So, one option to address fluid retention should be: DRINK MORE WATER.

High Points:

  1. Exercise more. Who wants to do that right? …lol.  Subtle changes can make big differences.  Consciously add more movement and activity to your daily routine.  Do things that you will enjoy and know that you will continue to do. Then continue to add other things to your daily routine.
  2. Eat less salt/sodium. No doubt this is hard…cause salt tastes so good. I know. Enjoy it in moderation.
  3. Eat more fruit and vegetables. I read that eating fruit high in potassium like bananas, tomatoes or avocados could help reduce the fluid retention. Eating other fruit like peaches, watermelon and cucumber could also help.  Of course, eating a variety of fruit and vegetables can help with a lot of issues and get you looking right.
  4. Eating herbs or making herbal teas could be a natural diuretic to add to your mix. I was surprised to find out how many edible things just grow out there in the yard.   I think you should absolutely investigate and learn about plants before you make a tea or soup out of it, but there are a surprisingly number of good plants that are helpful and used to be used as home remedies, but today we call them weeds or flowers.

There is a lot more information about this topic to be found in the links below.  I just wanted to write a few notes on what I found to get you started.

Thanks for reading and I hope you keep coming back to the site and exploring.  Tell your people about me and contribute to our grow!  ✊🏾



Stop Retaining Water…By Drinking More Water

Google Search about Water Retention

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Some Days are Meant for Gathering

Some days are meant for gathering. Many of you know this already. You may not call it that--or even realize that is what you are doing. But for me, gathering days are crucial. I used to think I was being lazy or wasting time, but in actuality I was allowing me to get in contact with my surroundings, recharging my idea pool, and just letting things go.

It reminded me of when some folk fall asleep in church --then "explain" they were either meditating or resting their eyes. lol... 

But, it's true. You need times like that and you should not feel guilty about having them.  Listening to music, talking to a friend, meditating—they all count; as do many other activities or no activity at all.

Whenever you get to read this—I hope you decide to live your best life! 

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Brand Authentically

We are Skyscrapers article image

I recently attended a panel event in which they were discussing branding. And the term "brand authentically" came to mind.  They did a great job talking about how important branding is--and in essence, is a way of setting a standard for your business.  It helps set the expectation of what your clients and customers should receive from you or your business. 

During the conversation, someone in the audience pointed out that they had an experience in which the outward appearance of the business was great, but the product or service received --not so great.  Which again made me think of the term, brand authentically

 It is my hope and belief that only a small percentage of businesses set out to scam people or do sub-par work.  Everyone else really wants to offer good products and services.  But sometimes, you can oversell what you do. Your intentions may be pure, but inadvertently, you may set yourself up for failure by setting expectations too high. 

Authentic branding is realistically assessing what you can achieve or offer considering resources, time and skills available to you. Remember, you want to do the best you can do. The only one you are truly in competition with is yourself. Maybe you are the best in the world at what you do. If so, great! Go on with your bad self and get that money! But if you have the slightest doubt that you are not, then set realistic goals and expectations so that you and your customers can walk away with an enjoyable experience. You can always work towards your goal of being the greatest. 

People can tell when you are over exaggerating. So, surprise them by slightly underselling. Let them be surprised in a good way with what they receive from you. In my opinion, that is the fastest way to get good word of mouth advertising, and your brand will authentically reflect you. 

#branding #marketing #CorporateImage

Friday, May 19, 2023

Why Are We Acting Like the Confederate South Did Not Lose The Civil War?


Bing Image: Black Infantry Soldiers

The South lost the Civil War.  And we, in America damn well better start acting like they did. I am highly disappointed in the way the current Attorney General Merrick Garland is handling his duties and am wondering why so many people thought he would be such a great pick.  Yet, this article is not about him.

Let's establish a few things.

  1. Many Blacks were here, and prospering prior to slavery.
  2. We fought in the Civil War against slavery, and won.
  3. The Fourteenth Amendment acknowledges our full citizenship.

And in my opinion, Blacks are not only citizens of the United States, but are also sovereign, and indigenous to this land!  You see it.  Everybody sees it.  And, we all know it's true.

I think the problem with America is denial.

  • Denial of all things.
  • Denial of things that were done.
  • Denial of things that actually need to be done.
  • Denial of things desired to do.

And for the 'greatest' nation on earth, that is a sad commentary, and stifling… just like being in some parts of the south. The good news is, the remedy is so simple and easy.  The branches of government actually need to uphold the spirit of all laws.

The Legislative Branch needs to ensure laws are beneficial for all people.  The Judicial Branch needs to ensure that the laws are equally and equitably applied.  And, the Executive Branch needs to faithfully execute the duties of the Presidency and represent the nation well.

It's not cute pretending that injustices don't exist, nor letting inequities happen to black and brown people.  We need to make sure that when representatives are violating the offices and positions they hold, they can be removed swiftly, by the people through an established method of "Recall".  It was a great surprise to me to find out that some states don't even have a method of recalling those people sent to Washington to represent them. If the Constitution was written by and for the people, and we vote for the folks we send to Washington, D.C., then we should be able to call those people back, including Judges--Supreme or other.  If that capability is not addressed Constitution or any of its Amendments, then we need to fix it.

Lastly, as much as we, as Americans, like to travel to other places--we really need to get our immigration policies right.    Boom. That's my rant for today.  Peace .  We outside.

#NationChallenges #CivilWar #HealingInAmerica 

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

I was Commenting on LinkedIn About How to Handle Rejection, But I Ran Out of Space

It's hard to 'not' take rejection personal, particularly when you've put time and effort into the job, project or activity that involves others. So I had to make the acknowledgement that my time in that space was over; and that I needed to move on. I had to encourage myself and reinforce the facts that I still had value. Especially when people still call and ask for help or advice, or instructions about how to do something.

I think people have to pay close attention to everything going on around them so that they can pick up on small wins, even when it looks like everything is falling apart. That self-evaluation or internal review really helped me. A few of my Takeaways and suggestions:

  1. Consider a rejection an opportunity to review and reflect. You still have your skills, knowledge, and abilities-- you just need to