Showing posts with label "The Lantern" News | Politics | Info | Opinions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label "The Lantern" News | Politics | Info | Opinions. Show all posts

Thursday, September 26, 2024

3 Reasons Why The Entire Republican Party Is Responsible For Our Current Problems


Image: AI Microsoft Designer

I’ve been watching the news and listening to coverage lately.  To my surprise, nothing is changing. It’s amazing and evident to me, that news reporters and talk show hosts –(and more likely the network themselves) have some type of affinity to politicians.

It is always a “both sides” comment added to try to shade or bias the actions of the conservative right (Republicans). And ironically Democrats usually don’t seem to have the backbone to stand up for themselves.

Maybe it’s because Republicans still try to hold on to the old but faint truth that they were the party of Lincoln; and Democrats use to be the party of the Dixiecrats before they all went over to the Republican party.  Whatever the reasoning, in my opinion, it has been a very long time since Republicans have done anything that was good for the American people.  And, these are 3 reasons why I think Republicans are mostly responsible for problems we have in America now.

1.       Anything we try to do for people collectively, Republicans try to tag it as “socialism” and welfare. Technically a lot of things that are done in America for the common good could probably be described that way. In doing so, they block and discourage anything that is meant to help the poor and middle class while at the same time they are glad to help the wealthy and wall street get anything they can from the government in the form of loans, contracts or breaks (which is also "socialism") because they are the ones who normally donate to their campaigns the most.

2.       Though they try to say they are fiscally responsible and morally beyond reproach, they be doing the most to disrupt government and the American way of life. Often their tax breaks and give aways to the wealthy explode the fiscal budget and cause more problems in the long run. They want to cut social programs like Social Security or Medicare all while blocking legislation to get the wealthy to pay

Sunday, September 22, 2024

3 Reasons Why This Is The Perfect Time To Rethink The Favored “Two Party System”


Image: Microsoft Images

Technically, we have more than just “two” parties in America.  We always have and more than likely always will.  So, it is time our political processes recognized that fact. Everyone does not want to be a Republican or Democrat. As a matter of fact—there are more non affiliate and independent voters in America than either of the main parties.

Having said that, I think all party or non-affiliated candidates should have the same access, resources and limits during their candidacy. Meaning, they should all have the same set of rules to follow, the same amount of money they spend on total campaigns; and limits on how much TV and other platform advertising that can be done. (They should learn to use social media to promote themselves like everyone else—send people to your “link in bio”.) 

Although it is too late for this cycle, now is still the perfect time to make critical and drastic changes to the electoral and voting process.  As I’ve stated in other posts, all Americans who desire to participate should be allowed to be involved in the primary electoral process—in a neutral and fair setting. In my opinion, we should look at implementing things like:

1.        Rank Choice Voting.  Rank Choice Voting would allow voters to select their first, second and third (or more) choice of candidate and would help with the overall selection process.

2.       C-SPAN should be the Official Network for the Public. Networks tend to want to please who they perceive to be their audience. C-SPAN on the other hand, is a different type of platform.  It is somewhat neutral, covers most of the events of the House, Senate and White House along with

Sunday, September 15, 2024

One thing is for sure, VP Harris and her team are putting in the work.


Image: Campaign

We don't know how the vote or election is going to turn out at this point, but one thing is for sure--she is putting in the work. I am a non-affiliate voter, and I like progressive issues that are for ordinary people.

And I must say, she is incorporating a lot of them in her campaign. I know she can't do it alone, and she'll need somewhat of a "progressive congress" to help pass things into law; but the point is she is or appears to be open to signing a lot of positive things.

If Joe manages to get a cease fire, and a two-state plan in Gaza—which, shouldn’t actually be that hard, they will be well on the way to another term in office.

And honestly, at this point—Drs. Jill Stein and Cornel West should help in the process and welcome it.  If they can’t do it themselves, at least be civil, if not kind to the person who is at least speaking their language.  Then after the election, start immediately working on your issues! It is not that hard to

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Can We Stop Calling These Meetings Debates? It Was More Like a Pseudo Inquiry. 5 Things about the “Debate” -- Trump vs Harris.


Image: C-Span Capture

In my opinion, debates are when two people state their position and go at it—trying to convince an audience to favor their side.  These tv show debates are meetings or gatherings that are bent towards getting ratings more so than facts details. So I wish they would just call it that.  Two people asking all the questions and the two participants not even addressing each other, again… is not a debate. But, I digress.  Let’s get to the 5 Things.

1.       It should have been a Town Hall event. It would have had the same effect for the networks as far as trying to get ratings; and real people could have been asking questions.

2.       The Moderators didn’t moderate.  Letting Trump still talk whenever he wanted, with a muted mic you could still hear him through was not moderating and dumb. It is my opinion that his mic and his mouth

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Let’s Talk: What Do you think about a Progressive Union, instead of a Progressive Party?

Image Source:

 As some of you may know, I really wanted Dr. West to be a contender for the presidency this election cycle. And truthfully watching the process has been painful. Like Bernie, and at one point Jill, I enjoy supporting people with progressive ideas.  But I hate that the energy their campaigns generate always seems to fizzle out when they either lose or become no longer viable as a candidate in their march towards November.

So, this time around I started thinking about what could be done to both capture and sustain the progressive movement regardless of victory or failure of the candidacy. 

I propose that a progressive political union be created.  Though it seems to generally be used to unify small states or entities, I thought it could also be used to unify individuals and organizations/parities who don’t have enough power of their own to make a big difference immediately.  In my opinion, it would be the exact vehicle needed to move ideas and causes forward—across political parties and directly into the purview of the voters. 

So many ideas and issues could be addressed through the political union platform. Members could

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

4 People Who Can Educate You About Republican Lies Concerning the Economy, Race, Culture and Other Things

Often, when we black creators feature other black speakers, orators or professors, it is said that we have an “agenda”.  Which is really not necessarily true.  Fact is, we just want to get the truth out.  Today, I have a treat for you!  These are four other people who also have information to share.

I often see information on my timelines from Thom Hartman, Rober Reich, Jane Elliot and Tim Wise.  Their information is well presented and resourced if you listen to what is said. 

I curate content for different play lists on my YouTube Channel.  It’s still a work in progress, but it’s coming along nicely. Today I'm starting to add specific posts on the blog that discuss aspects of

Saturday, August 31, 2024

I've been in the "lab", learning about other platforms and trying to work out a plan...

Image: From my "North Carolina Politics" discussion video on YouTube

Yep, Republicans in North Carolina are relentless in trying to take away your rights and bringing legislation that is horrible for regular people…

Hey everybody!  I know it’s been a few days since I’ve posted: but I’m still looking into the older posts to convert them as well as working on something new!  I’m working on my other social media platforms to try to incorporate them better into the mix.

My thought is to begin introducing videos that I have either on my site or a playlist that I created for discussion.  Also, I’m hoping that along with checking out the video, you’ll consider following me on that platform as well. 😁

As you might already note, I have integrated general widgets/plugins in the sidebar area; but these specific type posts are to draw your attention to a particular video or issue I wanted to talk about.

This week, I’m taking a look at an older video that discusses a continued issue in North Carolina surrounding politics.  Elections are coming up and it is important that we be informed about the issues.  For me, the act of voting is important.  Putting the right people in charge increases the chances of

Sunday, August 18, 2024

It Is Time For An Education Overhaul


[Repost of May 14, 2021 WordPress blog]

Yes.  It is time for an education overhaul! All my kids are grown, but I'm still interested in the overall community and how to advance the ideals of education; full, and truthful education; education that includes the histories of ALL people living in America.  I like the thought of public education, but, I'm becoming more and more a fan of Khan Academy, and programs like it too.  Mainly because of the what ifs.  You know, things like:

  • What if nothing changes to help those who are disadvantaged in the regular school system and learning environments?
  • What if kids get expelled for perceived "behavioral reasons"?
  • What if another disaster or pandemic happens?

The teaching must go on! We can't disrupt learning every time something happens!

This is why I favor any technology or program that will allow kids and people to continue to learn.  I

Friday, August 9, 2024

Listen Closely-- People Can Vote for Who They Want


[Reprint and edit of my WordPress post of September 18, 2020]

It’s that time again. Democrats are starting to blame other people for their failures, and possibly the ones coming in November. So, I’m here to give my opinion on the matter.  I’m here for that.  But first, a few housekeeping notes.

  1. In my opinion, Republicans are low grade criminals. They should all be voted out and all of them should be held accountable for disastrous policies that the nation currently operates under.
  2. Democrats are also liable. They try to give the appearance of operating above board but have criminal tendencies as well.
  3. I am a non-affiliate voter and am an astute observer of the process. And, what I have observed so far, I don’t like.

I don’t like

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

I think Progressives are the Adults in the Room

[Edited reprint of my WordPress blog post of December 10, 2020]

Yep, I truly believe that Progressives are the adults in the room called, our country, the USA. While modern day Republicans are the bullies and Democrats are timid and scared, Progressives, for the most part play the role of the adults.

Progressives don't really want to bothered by the bickering but eventually-- we have to engage. The Republicans want to keep all the goodies for themselves and their friends and some Democrats want the same, but pretend that what they want is something for "the people". Real Progressives

Friday, July 26, 2024

About Being a Democratic Republic


“A democratic republic is a form of government operating on principles adopted from a republic and a democracy. As a cross between two similar systems, democratic republics may function on principles shared by both republics and democracies.” 


Some Americans see our form of government as a democracy; others view our government as a republic.  Both have elements of truth.  Our government was formed as a federal democratic republic.  We have adopted elements of both a democracy and republic.   Personally, I think that is pretty awesome.  In the Resource section below, I have a link to a general Google search that explores the topic in more detail.

As a citizen, I love the concept.  I just think we need to “tweak” the edges a bit and firm up on all the

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Politics: We Must Make Republicans And Democrats Minority Parties In Congress

Photo by RODNAE Productions on

[Repost of my WordPress blog of June 10, 2021] 

In my opinion, since both the Democratic Party and Republican Party included many conservatives who were against civil liberties of all people; they both technically are Republican, and neither represent the people as they should.

I am going to lay this out in its simplest terms because this is how it was revealed to me.  Politics have always been relative to money and power.  But at some point, back in the day, the Republicans, the party of Lincoln, got involved with fighting to end slavery.  Eventually, those in the Democratic party who were fervent in their efforts to deny people their earned rights, took over the Republican party; leaving the Democratic party as a weaker version of the Republican party (because they all didn't leave). 

I truly believe the Democrats in their current state, are far better than Republicans, but they often 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Mainstream Media is Messy


I was watching the Morning Joe show today and they are already trying to create pit falls for VP Harris (as I am sure other media outlets are doing the same).  This has always been something interesting to me.  Why do they usually go for the messy embrace?  Sure, smut sells. But at least try to have some sore of balance real time.

Bringing on someone to rebut what was said afterwards—even if it is a few minutes, or seconds, afterwards-- is too late.  Combine the time and let’s get into some real fact finding.  Oh, if we did that,

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

My Quick Take: Secret Service Director Cheatle Resigns


Congressional Hearing
Image: Created with Microsoft Designer

Several news outlets are reporting that the Director of the Secret Service resigned; probably, as well she should. But, I wish before she did so, she would have given Congress a piece of her mind--for all of her team.

I wish she  by stating that with Donald Trump's mouth, she is surprised that it hadn't happened earlier.  It's hard protecting someone who is a divider, who won't following directions, and who won't shut the hell up.

He constantly lies and brings divisive energy; which brings danger to everybody around them.  Who wants to rush out to protect someone like that?

She should have brought up the fact that Donald Trump likes people with AR-15s and other destructive

Sunday, July 21, 2024

It's Interesting that the Higher You Are, The Longer It Takes to Bring You To Justice

Photo: Sora Shimazaki on

[Repost of my WordPress blog post 10 May 2023]

It is interesting to me how hard it is to bring these Republicans to justice.  From Donald Trump, to Clarence Thomas to George Santos (if that's his real name).

All the while, police are being judge and jury by executing people in the streets and not even giving them the opportunity to get to trial!

Our legal system has never been that great, but now it's straight trash.  And, this is what happens when

Friday, June 28, 2024

I Think We Should Work Harder at Getting 'Work From Home' and 'School From Home' Right

[Repost from my November 10, 2020 WordPress Blog site]

Personally, I think we should work harder at getting Work From Home and School From Home right.  The pandemic was and is rough.  It's not the first nor will it probably be the last problem in this 'brave new world' we are facing.

I think many people have looked at these two solutions as temporary fixes as opposed to working on them as long term cures that could potentially help out a lot of people.  Do you think people like driving 20 - 30 miles to a job where they only make between $7.25 and $12 an hour?  Especially if they could do the work from home?

Home schooling has actually been around for a long time.  This period has been an opportunity

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Ford Motor Recalls 552,188 Ford F-150's ...Year Model 2014

There is a loss of signal between the transmission output shaft speed sensor and the powertrain control module.  The report I read said this could cause a downshift, regardless of what speed you are going.  This could cause loss of control of the vehicle.  This is for the 2014 Ford F-150 model being recalled.

Ford recommends that you take the vehicles to the dealership for updating of the powertrain control module.  

Resource:  Reuters Article Dated: June 25, 2024. Ford to recall more than 550,000 vehicles, US safety regulator says.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

I think "Personalized Education" is going to be the new "School Model" Image by RF Studio

With COVID still going on, it’s possible that there will be more home schooling, or distance learning.  I've spoken on this before; but I’ll talk about it again now.  I believe we really need to rethink how we educate in America.  In my opinion, designer, self-paced, personalized education is going to become the norm.

Acknowledging Reasons to Consider Personalized Education

I agree that there should be national standards. A basic, minimal core of topics should be taught and mastered.  But, the way that they are taught should be subjective. In my opinion, a few things need to be considered.

  • Some schools weren’t that great prior to COVID, in educating students.
  • People often learn in different ways.
  • People catch on to concepts and learning material at different speeds and sometimes it’s better in different settings or learning environments.
  • History.  More actual history should be taught in America, not less.  Information about slavery has a place alongside teaching about the Holocaust--and I would argue even more so. Also, the way Native Americans have been depicted throughout history books is appalling--and should be corrected. 

Possible Changes to Address Issues

Having said that, I think the ultimate role teachers and instructors will play is that of a coach or counselor to the learning experience.  And, perhaps the brick and mortar school buildings will

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Reason I Talk Junk about Democrats is Because, I Want Them to Do Better


I want Democrats to do so much better than they have done over the past 40 years. From what I’ve seen from the majority of Democrats is the willingness to fight against #Progressives and others who might be to the left of them; but that same energy does not exist in fights with Republicans.  

They are more apt to try to prove their conservatism than to show a willingness to vote for progressive legislation for the American people. And then comes the handwringing.

If you learn nothing more, nor do anything else—leave Progressives alone. There is a reason I am no longer a Democrat or Republican. I am not a fan of the two-party modal. It is disturbing to see progressive candidates vilified. 

I’m also saddened to see Progressives and Independents run as Democrats. Please stop. The primaries are technically your time to shine. Even if Republicans and Democrats don’t want to give you oxygen

Monday, June 17, 2024

“Not Voting” is Not the Answer


To my #Progressive friends, let’s face it, not voting is not an option. And voting for #Republicans is opposite of everything we want. My solution is to vote for as many Progressives as we can for Congress and keep pressing #Democrats to do better as we continue to add more #Progressives and their allies to the Congressional ranks over the next several years. 

Other things we can do is start distinguishing to the mainstream media, on every opportunity, that you are not
a Democrat. Be bold about your decision to be progressive and explain why it is important to have options other than Democrats and Republicans. And, although you may decide to vote for Democrats, until more progressive candidates can be elected, let your preferences be known. 

The goal is to change the make-up of Congress... fewer non-progressive Democrats and way fewer Republicans. If we want better legislation, this will be necessary. It is always better to have liberties and