Tuesday, September 3, 2024

4 People Who Can Educate You About Republican Lies Concerning the Economy, Race, Culture and Other Things

Often, when we black creators feature other black speakers, orators or professors, it is said that we have an “agenda”.  Which is really not necessarily true.  Fact is, we just want to get the truth out.  Today, I have a treat for you!  These are four other people who also have information to share.

I often see information on my timelines from Thom Hartman, Rober Reich, Jane Elliot and Tim Wise.  Their information is well presented and resourced if you listen to what is said. 

I curate content for different play lists on my YouTube Channel.  It’s still a work in progress, but it’s coming along nicely. Today I'm starting to add specific posts on the blog that discuss aspects of

American history, heritage and somethings we don't always like to acknowledge or talk about.  As I continue the project, I'm hoping that it all gels together as an unforgettable learning experience. 

Let's start by checking out the links below and learn more about America’s history and all of it’s wonderful people.

Links to this Post’s 4 Educators

Thom Hartman: YouTube Content

Robert Reich: YouTube Content

Jane Elliot: YouTube Content

Tim Wise:  YouTube Content

#knowledge #economics #history #politics  #DanielHSpeller Learning Center

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