Showing posts with label History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

I Am Enjoying These New Progressive Congress Folk


Image by: RODNAE Productions on

These new progressive Congress people are the folk I've been waiting for.  My people!  And, we need more of them.  Sitting back, taking it all in was never the way in my opinion.  Lest we forget, at some point in history, Republicans and Democrats were pretty much interchangeable.

In my opinion, Progressives and so called Democratic Socialists have always had the voice of the people at heart.  I encourage voters to start looking into the politics of these two types of representatives. They seem to be smart, forthright and communicate very clearly about their positions and where they stand.

Frankly it's disappointing to think that for the past 70 years, we have not gotten any further than we have in

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Juneteenth Celebration


UPDATE: June 1, 2024

Today we add to last year's post about Juneteenth.  I've decided that each year, God willing, we'll revisit this document to update. 

In Windsor, NC, this year's event is scheduled for June 15th, at 11 a.m. Come out and join the celebration! 

If you want to check out events in other areas, then visit this link to a Google Search for Juneteenth Events Search.

This is a short video from last year's celebration in the town of Windsor, NC.   It's a small rural town, but they did it!  They made the effort to put on a celebration: Juneteenth 2023 video.  

Also like Black History Month, Juneteenth should be celebrated... DAILY.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Some Bertie County History (Part 1)

I grew up in a small town called Windsor, North Carolina– The county seat of Bertie County.  This is not the “official” history, but it is a history of interesting facts I could find about the area–salted with my bits and pieces of storytelling.  I have also included interesting links that I hope you find interesting as the story unfolds.   By the way, hopefully this will be an on-going history as I plan to update it with additional links and revisions as the present themselves as I go along.  So check back often for updates and click on the other tabs for news and information too.  Thanks and peace.

map of Bertie County, North CarolinaBertie County was founded and established as a county in 1722.  According to my research, it was originally part of Albemarle County and was called Bertie Precinct.  After becoming a county, Bertie at one point, had approximately 45 townships, though some, by now,  may have combined and merged into single townships– possibly for economic reasons.

Out of the 45 townships,  I know of approximately 13.  Windsor, Lewiston, Roxobel, Kelford, Askewville Aulander, Ahoskie (though no longer considered part of Bertie County), Colerain, Indian Woods, Merry Hill, Powellsville, Sans Souci, and Woodard (aka The Neck).  I’ll go into detail about each later on in the (his)story.  I’ve probably driven through many of the others dozens of times but just didn’t realize they were actual townships.  You can read brief descriptions about the townships at this site called The Towns and Communities of Original Bertie County.  I found it and other interesting sites and information while researching the content of this writing.

…to be continued

Monday, August 14, 2023

History, Culture, Life. Now is the Time for Change.

Sunset: Bing image
Sunset image from Bing

I was sitting and thinking today that if there was ever a time for black people to  learn about history, culture, and life, now would be that time.  With modern technology, so much is available at your fingertips.

Even if people are trying to lie and keep the truth from you, you can find it.  Even if mama and 'em never said another word about the past, so much truth is crying out from everywhere that it is undeniable. Now, is a wonderful time of opportunity and discovery.

Of course you can't believe every single thing you read on the internet; and things have to be researched and verified, but just simply being exposed to so much knowledge and information is  simply amazing.

In many of our conversations, I think we get side tracked and focus on the wrong things.  Even when distractions are plentiful when in the effort of some trying to hide the truth--knowledge is still there. Right in front of our faces.

For instance, even though some conservatives like the Florida Governor, don't want you to learn about the civil rights activities  of circa 1954, if we just do the math-- that was only 69 years ago.

The Truth is many, many people are alive who are 69 years old... and much older. So the question is,

Friday, May 19, 2023

Why Are We Acting Like the Confederate South Did Not Lose The Civil War?


Bing Image: Black Infantry Soldiers

The South lost the Civil War.  And we, in America damn well better start acting like they did. I am highly disappointed in the way the current Attorney General Merrick Garland is handling his duties and am wondering why so many people thought he would be such a great pick.  Yet, this article is not about him.

Let's establish a few things.

  1. Many Blacks were here, and prospering prior to slavery.
  2. We fought in the Civil War against slavery, and won.
  3. The Fourteenth Amendment acknowledges our full citizenship.

And in my opinion, Blacks are not only citizens of the United States, but are also sovereign, and indigenous to this land!  You see it.  Everybody sees it.  And, we all know it's true.

I think the problem with America is denial.

  • Denial of all things.
  • Denial of things that were done.
  • Denial of things that actually need to be done.
  • Denial of things desired to do.

And for the 'greatest' nation on earth, that is a sad commentary, and stifling… just like being in some parts of the south. The good news is, the remedy is so simple and easy.  The branches of government actually need to uphold the spirit of all laws.

The Legislative Branch needs to ensure laws are beneficial for all people.  The Judicial Branch needs to ensure that the laws are equally and equitably applied.  And, the Executive Branch needs to faithfully execute the duties of the Presidency and represent the nation well.

It's not cute pretending that injustices don't exist, nor letting inequities happen to black and brown people.  We need to make sure that when representatives are violating the offices and positions they hold, they can be removed swiftly, by the people through an established method of "Recall".  It was a great surprise to me to find out that some states don't even have a method of recalling those people sent to Washington to represent them. If the Constitution was written by and for the people, and we vote for the folks we send to Washington, D.C., then we should be able to call those people back, including Judges--Supreme or other.  If that capability is not addressed Constitution or any of its Amendments, then we need to fix it.

Lastly, as much as we, as Americans, like to travel to other places--we really need to get our immigration policies right.    Boom. That's my rant for today.  Peace .  We outside.

#NationChallenges #CivilWar #HealingInAmerica