I’m a full Progressive.
But I want VP Kamala Harris and Coach Walz to spin the block and run it
back just on principle. Why? Because these
MAGA assholes won’t learn shit if they think they got away with anything. So, I say, give them a repeat so they can
suck it up and learn what the fuck they missed the first time.
They are like that kid who doesn’t want to eat his peas but
wants everything else in the world. So
let them get hungry and put that same plate back where they can get it and be
thankful for it the second time around.
And then, I want Harris and Walz to do their jobs and pass every piece of progressive legislature they can get their hands on. That’s what they promised so I want them to deliver. From healthcare to
securing Social Security and a path to citizenship for immigrants. I want them to do it all. Then, hire Eric Holder back as AG so he can get some straightening and prosecutions for the legal and Attorney General team.They should come out of hiding now and “say and do something
when they see something.” There are a lot of things going wrong right now, and
Kamala should know how to navigate the legalities to bring solid cases to the
courts to help save the jobs of public workers and others. They don’t have to be
directly in the spotlight, but they need to be on the battlefield.
There is so much to be done, and now is the time to do
it. So, Kamala and Coach, where y’all
at? Get your shit together and let’s
move this democracy back in the right direction—from where you are right
now. The White House is not for the
people right now and we need to put the law on their asses. He/they can’t skate through life forever.
And Democrats, if you not going to do something, get out of
the way. Let the few Progressives and
their allies work. Oh, and be prepared
to have open primaries and rank choice voting, because it’s going to
happen. Rather you be in front leading
than being stepped over or upon. I am so ready for this motion. Lord, let it
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