Wednesday, August 14, 2024

About Your Blood Pressure


As you know, I like to explore all types of topics and information.  Today, we’ll take a quick look at information about blood pressure. First, let’s explore blood and what it does.  1Blood has two primary functions.  It delivers oxygen; and carries away carbon dioxide and other waste. ,

2When the heart beats, it circulates blood by pushing it through the blood vessels.  The amount of

Friday, August 9, 2024

Listen Closely-- People Can Vote for Who They Want


[Reprint and edit of my WordPress post of September 18, 2020]

It’s that time again. Democrats are starting to blame other people for their failures, and possibly the ones coming in November. So, I’m here to give my opinion on the matter.  I’m here for that.  But first, a few housekeeping notes.

  1. In my opinion, Republicans are low grade criminals. They should all be voted out and all of them should be held accountable for disastrous policies that the nation currently operates under.
  2. Democrats are also liable. They try to give the appearance of operating above board but have criminal tendencies as well.
  3. I am a non-affiliate voter and am an astute observer of the process. And, what I have observed so far, I don’t like.

I don’t like

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

I think Progressives are the Adults in the Room

[Edited reprint of my WordPress blog post of December 10, 2020]

Yep, I truly believe that Progressives are the adults in the room called, our country, the USA. While modern day Republicans are the bullies and Democrats are timid and scared, Progressives, for the most part play the role of the adults.

Progressives don't really want to bothered by the bickering but eventually-- we have to engage. The Republicans want to keep all the goodies for themselves and their friends and some Democrats want the same, but pretend that what they want is something for "the people". Real Progressives

Sunday, July 28, 2024

America Spends a lot on "Health Care"... but doesn't really have any


Photo by Cottonbro Studio on

[Updated repost from my WordPress blog of April 30, 2023]

It's amazing to me how much money the U.S. supposedly spends on #HealthCare, but doesn't have a good system to support its citizens.  Another solid effect of #cronyCapitalism.

I read a great, short article that explains the difference called, “Are Health Insurance and Healthcare the same thing?  In my opinion, they are not.

If we are going to spend money on health care, it should not go to bailing out insurance companies.  It should go directly to the people, so they can work directly with doctors.  And, if a 'system' of payment