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Sunday, July 28, 2024

America Spends a lot on "Health Care"... but doesn't really have any


Photo by Cottonbro Studio on

[Updated repost from my WordPress blog of April 30, 2023]

It's amazing to me how much money the U.S. supposedly spends on #HealthCare, but doesn't have a good system to support its citizens.  Another solid effect of #cronyCapitalism.

I read a great, short article that explains the difference called, “Are Health Insurance and Healthcare the same thing?  In my opinion, they are not.

If we are going to spend money on health care, it should not go to bailing out insurance companies.  It should go directly to the people, so they can work directly with doctors.  And, if a 'system' of payment

is needed, it should be similar to, if not actually, #MedicareForAll.  The money can come out just like Social Security, FICA, and anything else they take taxes out for.  Time to get serious about what we are doing. Stop electing crooks.

Businesses and corporations make plenty of money. If not through profit, they certainly apply for and get government funding.  That is not a bad thing in concept—because we all need help.  But when greed is introduced, then it becomes a problem. I’d go a step further to say that if the government really wants to help businesses, it should actually be giving money to the people, its citizens.

That would solve a lot of problems.  Consumers could better identify price gougers and choose not to do business with those establishments in mass.  Consumers would have the money to form co-ops to establish a competition to keep businesses sharp and honest. And they’d have the base funds to ensure that they could have a reasonable lifestyle for their families; all families—not just the wealthy or the so-called middle class.  Let’s change our economy to work for the people.


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