Thursday, December 21, 2023

AME Empowerment Center/Shelter

The AME Empowerment Center [Homeless Shelter] (Church Shelter) in Raleigh NC needs the continued support of all who care about the homeless and who want to help bring relief to their plight.  Persons who would like to support this outreach ministry may do so by calling the Shelter and making inquiries at (919) 834-3734.

With You, We Can Make A Difference!

The Problem:

Homelessness is a problem that is occurring with increased frequency in the cities and towns of North Carolina.  The N.C. Department of Human Resources reports a 50% increase in the number of persons  seeking shelter in Raleigh, the state capitol.

Our Challenge:

Recognizing the growing numbers of homeless persons in the City of Raleigh, N.C., the Women's Missionary Society (WMS) of the Western North Carolina (WNC) Annual Conference, in 1987, pledged to carry out the goal to help the plight of the homeless.

Our Response:

The WNC Conference Branch WMS opened the AME Church Shelter in Raleigh in April, 1988, with the assistance of Mrs. Shirley J. Sheares, Founder, and others. Seeking to provide more than just shelter, the AME Church Shelter attempts to make constructive use of the daylight hours to coordinate vital city services  (i.e. social, medical, employment) in ways that help homeless persons solve the problems that create and sustain their homeless condition

Need More information?

Contact the Shelter.

(919) 834-3734

Additional Information

The Empowerment Center is a shelter and source of support in Raleigh, NC.

Address:  412 Capital Blvd, Raleigh, NC

Telephone:  919-834-3734

Other Contact:

Website: Men's Shelter in Raleigh, NC


eSpeller Designs

 eSpeller Designs specializes in hand sewn and personal touch gifts.  If you can imagine it; I can help get it done!  Please visit my Facebook Page listed in my contact info to see some of my creative ideas!

  • Children’s Gifts
  • Embroidery
  • Sewing
  • Creative Room Designing and painting
  • Cards

and More!

Visit their Facebook page and see all the great samples of projects completed in the past. An excellent resource for unique, hand-crafted gifts.  Social Media: Facebook Page

“Hand Sewn and Hand Painted Gifts!”


Samples of work!


#handsewn #gifts

Etiquette by Genea


Etiquette by Genea

Genea knows Etiquette!  She is a  wealth of information when it comes to knowing about social graces. You know… things like: which fork to use, what to do with your napkin, when it’s appropriate to leave or bow out of a conversation, even what’s appropriate to wear for specific occasions!  …All of those things.  She has been an etiquette trainer for years; and has helped both young and old to overcome their fears of how to interact with others during events, business meetings and networking functions.

Regardless of the situation, she will, more than likely, have advice or training that will help.

Use the form to contact her or leave a comment in the comment section!

Additional Information

Genea is an etiquette trainer and coach. She offers advice and training sessions across the U.S. by appointment.

Address: United States

Other Contact:



Wednesday, December 13, 2023

People Are Getting Creative to Get Your Data

People are getting creative with trying to get your data and information.  Some even pretend to "hire you for a job". There certainly can be legitimate offers coming in by creative and new ways; however, some of those “job offers” could be ways to scam you.

Today, I received a text out of the blue and thought I would present it here as an example. Now, as I stated this may be a legitimate offer—but I would be leery to reply and accept employment from anyone using this method. For me, there needs to be more there –there.  Let’s review the text.

First, it was just a text from a number that I didn’t know –and asking with an assumption that I would reply with a “Yes” … (being an affirmative response).

Instead, I chose to ask who it was that I was speaking to.  As you read along the conversation, I’ll present my thoughts.  First, Elizabeth said they used a recruitment agency to review my resume and now – I am shortlisted for a job.  Note that the job wasn’t actually offered-- yet the wanted me to reply with “Proceed” (being another “affirmative” response) to do something not yet clarified.  My thoughts were—well if you initiated and started the process without my affirmative response, you can continue the process without my input.

So instead of blatantly saying that I thought they were scammers, which I actually thought, I indicated that their approach was unusual and indicated that they should use the information on my resume to contact me. I have not heard back from them yet.

I’m making this post to hopefully bring awareness to how clever scammers can be.  It is a shame that there are people out there who have nothing better to do, but they are there.  Although I don’t recall giving anyone my account information and such, there have been reports in the past where banks and other financial institutions have had hacks to their systems.  One-word affirmative actions could be setting you by giving someone permission to do something nefarious.

Out of caution, probably the best thing I could have done was report the text as spam or phishing. But since I had been sending out my resume/vita I communicated while avoiding saying ‘yes’ or affirming anything.  I look forward to the day when white hat hackers can create something that will turn the tables on those seeking to do harm to others.  In the meantime, y’all be safe.

Keywords: finance, financial, money, personal safety