Thursday, December 21, 2023

Etiquette by Genea


Etiquette by Genea

Genea knows Etiquette!  She is a  wealth of information when it comes to knowing about social graces. You know… things like: which fork to use, what to do with your napkin, when it’s appropriate to leave or bow out of a conversation, even what’s appropriate to wear for specific occasions!  …All of those things.  She has been an etiquette trainer for years; and has helped both young and old to overcome their fears of how to interact with others during events, business meetings and networking functions.

Regardless of the situation, she will, more than likely, have advice or training that will help.

Use the form to contact her or leave a comment in the comment section!

Additional Information

Genea is an etiquette trainer and coach. She offers advice and training sessions across the U.S. by appointment.

Address: United States

Other Contact:



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