Tuesday, October 1, 2024

I Have A Problem With All The Extra Civilians Sucking Up Money That Veterans Could Be Getting Directly—My Current Rant

It is understood that Service Members fight and defend these United States of America.  We have a civilian President, Vice-President and other officials who have rank over them in leadership roles.  No problem.

My problem is with the extra civilians that are hired in the VA, DFAS (Defense Finance and Accounting Service) and other important agencies who haven’t served a day in their lives and have no idea what Service Members actually go through.  If they want a civilian related job supporting the military, at least they should join the National Guard or Reserve so that they can have an idea of the full experience.

There are more than likely millions, if not billions of dollars that could go directly to veterans without going through the extra layer of bullshit.  As a matter of fact—the VA Claims department could be eliminated altogether.  Telling anybody who went through the minimum of Basic Training that there

claim is “not service related” regardless of how many years have passed is a straight bald-faced lie.  The mental and physical strain from those few months alone should merit some compensation.

To be honest, for every job related to the military, there is a service member or veteran who can fill it.  And when you are a veteran, you should be shown that respect in getting your issues handled without the attitude or ignorance of someone who has never served.  Sure, they may mean well, but good intentions don’t solve the problems.

If we need civilian help to support Service Members in mission essential roles, then let them work under the direct supervision of an NCO or officer who can ensure they are providing the proper level of support.

The thing about veterans is that they are not stupid.  They know the discipline and what was required of them when they served and they expect or would like to receive the same service in return.  Any thing less is an insult.  So to all the VA’s and DFAS’s out there…fix your shit.   And get them goddamn websites simplified if you are going to send people to them to use. We see you.  And we see the money that you are wasting.  It is failing your mission and responsibility to the people who served.

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