Sunday, August 18, 2024

Growing Your Own Food Might be Worth the Time Investment


[Repost of August 31, 2022 WordPress blog-edited]

Last year [2021], I tried an experiment to see how hard it would be to grow my own plants and food.  I got some supplies from Amazon... (growing medium, jar cups, and rocks) and other supplies locally… (soil, pots, etc.).  It wasn’t as hard as I anticipated to start the project—but the effort came in being consistent and knowing what to do as the plants began to grow.  If you travel or are out of the house a

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

About Your Blood Pressure


As you know, I like to explore all types of topics and information.  Today, we’ll take a quick look at information about blood pressure. First, let’s explore blood and what it does.  1Blood has two primary functions.  It delivers oxygen; and carries away carbon dioxide and other waste. ,

2When the heart beats, it circulates blood by pushing it through the blood vessels.  The amount of

Friday, August 9, 2024

Listen Closely-- People Can Vote for Who They Want


[Reprint and edit of my WordPress post of September 18, 2020]

It’s that time again. Democrats are starting to blame other people for their failures, and possibly the ones coming in November. So, I’m here to give my opinion on the matter.  I’m here for that.  But first, a few housekeeping notes.

  1. In my opinion, Republicans are low grade criminals. They should all be voted out and all of them should be held accountable for disastrous policies that the nation currently operates under.
  2. Democrats are also liable. They try to give the appearance of operating above board but have criminal tendencies as well.
  3. I am a non-affiliate voter and am an astute observer of the process. And, what I have observed so far, I don’t like.

I don’t like