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Friday, June 7, 2024

The First Thing That Must Go Is Qualified Immunity

The NAACP Legal Defense Fund defines Qualified Immunity as more or less a rule that is used to protect law enforcement officers and other government officials from being held accountable when they violate people's constitutional rights.  It is not a law.  And it is a problem when we as a people work to hold officials and officers accountable.  

There is nothing that needs to be put on a ballot; nor law that needs to be overturned.  Current laws just needs to be applied and upheld just as they are for ordinary people.

It seems like a simple fix, but there doesn't seem to be the willingness to ensure that it is done.  I believe once they realize that the law also applies to them, they'll immediately stop some of the atrocities that are currently inflicting upon others.  They don't get to have a gun, taser, stick and partner and say they feared for their lives.  

If that is the case, then they should look for another job.  And if  then the police forces say that they can't find anyone to fill the jobs, then maybe they are trying to fill the wrong jobs or find another way to address the issues.

In short, there needs to be a revamping of the system.  Now is the time to do it.

#QualifiedImmunity #Justice #

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