Thursday, September 26, 2024

3 Reasons Why The Entire Republican Party Is Responsible For Our Current Problems


Image: AI Microsoft Designer

I’ve been watching the news and listening to coverage lately.  To my surprise, nothing is changing. It’s amazing and evident to me, that news reporters and talk show hosts –(and more likely the network themselves) have some type of affinity to politicians.

It is always a “both sides” comment added to try to shade or bias the actions of the conservative right (Republicans). And ironically Democrats usually don’t seem to have the backbone to stand up for themselves.

Maybe it’s because Republicans still try to hold on to the old but faint truth that they were the party of Lincoln; and Democrats use to be the party of the Dixiecrats before they all went over to the Republican party.  Whatever the reasoning, in my opinion, it has been a very long time since Republicans have done anything that was good for the American people.  And, these are 3 reasons why I think Republicans are mostly responsible for problems we have in America now.

1.       Anything we try to do for people collectively, Republicans try to tag it as “socialism” and welfare. Technically a lot of things that are done in America for the common good could probably be described that way. In doing so, they block and discourage anything that is meant to help the poor and middle class while at the same time they are glad to help the wealthy and wall street get anything they can from the government in the form of loans, contracts or breaks (which is also "socialism") because they are the ones who normally donate to their campaigns the most.

2.       Though they try to say they are fiscally responsible and morally beyond reproach, they be doing the most to disrupt government and the American way of life. Often their tax breaks and give aways to the wealthy explode the fiscal budget and cause more problems in the long run. They want to cut social programs like Social Security or Medicare all while blocking legislation to get the wealthy to pay

Sunday, September 22, 2024

3 Reasons Why This Is The Perfect Time To Rethink The Favored “Two Party System”


Image: Microsoft Images

Technically, we have more than just “two” parties in America.  We always have and more than likely always will.  So, it is time our political processes recognized that fact. Everyone does not want to be a Republican or Democrat. As a matter of fact—there are more non affiliate and independent voters in America than either of the main parties.

Having said that, I think all party or non-affiliated candidates should have the same access, resources and limits during their candidacy. Meaning, they should all have the same set of rules to follow, the same amount of money they spend on total campaigns; and limits on how much TV and other platform advertising that can be done. (They should learn to use social media to promote themselves like everyone else—send people to your “link in bio”.) 

Although it is too late for this cycle, now is still the perfect time to make critical and drastic changes to the electoral and voting process.  As I’ve stated in other posts, all Americans who desire to participate should be allowed to be involved in the primary electoral process—in a neutral and fair setting. In my opinion, we should look at implementing things like:

1.        Rank Choice Voting.  Rank Choice Voting would allow voters to select their first, second and third (or more) choice of candidate and would help with the overall selection process.

2.       C-SPAN should be the Official Network for the Public. Networks tend to want to please who they perceive to be their audience. C-SPAN on the other hand, is a different type of platform.  It is somewhat neutral, covers most of the events of the House, Senate and White House along with

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Do You Know How To Back Up or Clone Your Computer?

Backing up your personal files can be very important so you won't lose your personal data.  There are several ways of creating back ups-- be it on local medium or the in the cloud.  But, what if you want to go beyond that?  I have been wondering for a while on how to back up my whole computer.  Meaning everything. I like how my programs run, I like how I have my drives are set up; and the way I can flow during work. And right now, I don't ever want it to change.  

I was searching on ways of doing that and it turns out "cloning" my own system might be the way. Cloning is the process of making an exact copy of your computer as it is at the time of the clone.  So, if your computer went down, theoretically you could insert the drive into your computer and keep working just as if nothing happened. During my search for answers, I ran across a YouTube channel called

Sunday, September 15, 2024

One thing is for sure, VP Harris and her team are putting in the work.


Image: Campaign

We don't know how the vote or election is going to turn out at this point, but one thing is for sure--she is putting in the work. I am a non-affiliate voter, and I like progressive issues that are for ordinary people.

And I must say, she is incorporating a lot of them in her campaign. I know she can't do it alone, and she'll need somewhat of a "progressive congress" to help pass things into law; but the point is she is or appears to be open to signing a lot of positive things.

If Joe manages to get a cease fire, and a two-state plan in Gaza—which, shouldn’t actually be that hard, they will be well on the way to another term in office.

And honestly, at this point—Drs. Jill Stein and Cornel West should help in the process and welcome it.  If they can’t do it themselves, at least be civil, if not kind to the person who is at least speaking their language.  Then after the election, start immediately working on your issues! It is not that hard to