Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Can We Stop Calling These Meetings Debates? It Was More Like a Pseudo Inquiry. 5 Things about the “Debate” -- Trump vs Harris.


Image: C-Span Capture

In my opinion, debates are when two people state their position and go at it—trying to convince an audience to favor their side.  These tv show debates are meetings or gatherings that are bent towards getting ratings more so than facts details. So I wish they would just call it that.  Two people asking all the questions and the two participants not even addressing each other, again… is not a debate. But, I digress.  Let’s get to the 5 Things.

1.       It should have been a Town Hall event. It would have had the same effect for the networks as far as trying to get ratings; and real people could have been asking questions.

2.       The Moderators didn’t moderate.  Letting Trump still talk whenever he wanted, with a muted mic you could still hear him through was not moderating and dumb. It is my opinion that his mic and his mouth

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Let’s Talk: What Do you think about a Progressive Union, instead of a Progressive Party?

Image Source:

 As some of you may know, I really wanted Dr. West to be a contender for the presidency this election cycle. And truthfully watching the process has been painful. Like Bernie, and at one point Jill, I enjoy supporting people with progressive ideas.  But I hate that the energy their campaigns generate always seems to fizzle out when they either lose or become no longer viable as a candidate in their march towards November.

So, this time around I started thinking about what could be done to both capture and sustain the progressive movement regardless of victory or failure of the candidacy. 

I propose that a progressive political union be created.  Though it seems to generally be used to unify small states or entities, I thought it could also be used to unify individuals and organizations/parities who don’t have enough power of their own to make a big difference immediately.  In my opinion, it would be the exact vehicle needed to move ideas and causes forward—across political parties and directly into the purview of the voters. 

So many ideas and issues could be addressed through the political union platform. Members could

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

4 People Who Can Educate You About Republican Lies Concerning the Economy, Race, Culture and Other Things

Often, when we black creators feature other black speakers, orators or professors, it is said that we have an “agenda”.  Which is really not necessarily true.  Fact is, we just want to get the truth out.  Today, I have a treat for you!  These are four other people who also have information to share.

I often see information on my timelines from Thom Hartman, Rober Reich, Jane Elliot and Tim Wise.  Their information is well presented and resourced if you listen to what is said. 

I curate content for different play lists on my YouTube Channel.  It’s still a work in progress, but it’s coming along nicely. Today I'm starting to add specific posts on the blog that discuss aspects of

Saturday, August 31, 2024

I've been in the "lab", learning about other platforms and trying to work out a plan...

Image: From my "North Carolina Politics" discussion video on YouTube

Yep, Republicans in North Carolina are relentless in trying to take away your rights and bringing legislation that is horrible for regular people…

Hey everybody!  I know it’s been a few days since I’ve posted: but I’m still looking into the older posts to convert them as well as working on something new!  I’m working on my other social media platforms to try to incorporate them better into the mix.

My thought is to begin introducing videos that I have either on my site or a playlist that I created for discussion.  Also, I’m hoping that along with checking out the video, you’ll consider following me on that platform as well. ๐Ÿ˜

As you might already note, I have integrated general widgets/plugins in the sidebar area; but these specific type posts are to draw your attention to a particular video or issue I wanted to talk about.

This week, I’m taking a look at an older video that discusses a continued issue in North Carolina surrounding politics.  Elections are coming up and it is important that we be informed about the issues.  For me, the act of voting is important.  Putting the right people in charge increases the chances of