Monday, June 24, 2024

I’m Not a Fan of Self-Driving Cars or Self-Aware Robots

First, I just wanna say I'm a big fan of technology. But, not so much of 'Self-Driving' cars.   As I have said time and time again, I think technology should assist us...not replace us or the things we do.

I admit, it’s kind of intriguing and exciting to think that we could travel down the road while the car drives itself.  But, I believe that kind of technology should have limitations and parameters to insure the overall safety of others.  We already hear about how early attempts of self-driving vehicles are causing some accidents; and honestly with new technology—that should be expected.

But, why can’t we be content with the integration of technological advances with the skills of human drivers?  Some companies have taken that approach with the park assist functions and lane monitoring.  I’m fine with that.  It helps real drivers avoid accidents and keeps everyone safer on the roads.

What I’m not good with is allowing a non-thinking or non- feeling object have total control over itself

Saturday, June 22, 2024

I think "Personalized Education" is going to be the new "School Model" Image by RF Studio

With COVID still going on, it’s possible that there will be more home schooling, or distance learning.  I've spoken on this before; but I’ll talk about it again now.  I believe we really need to rethink how we educate in America.  In my opinion, designer, self-paced, personalized education is going to become the norm.

Acknowledging Reasons to Consider Personalized Education

I agree that there should be national standards. A basic, minimal core of topics should be taught and mastered.  But, the way that they are taught should be subjective. In my opinion, a few things need to be considered.

  • Some schools weren’t that great prior to COVID, in educating students.
  • People often learn in different ways.
  • People catch on to concepts and learning material at different speeds and sometimes it’s better in different settings or learning environments.
  • History.  More actual history should be taught in America, not less.  Information about slavery has a place alongside teaching about the Holocaust--and I would argue even more so. Also, the way Native Americans have been depicted throughout history books is appalling--and should be corrected. 

Possible Changes to Address Issues

Having said that, I think the ultimate role teachers and instructors will play is that of a coach or counselor to the learning experience.  And, perhaps the brick and mortar school buildings will

Friday, June 21, 2024

Let’s Take a Look at Distilled and Other types of Water

I was looking up information on WebMD recently about the different types of water.  Certain types of medical equipment mention using distilled water specifically.  I was surprised at the information I found and thought it would be interesting to share.  Summarily it stated that:

Distilled Water

It’s steam from boiling water that has been cooled and returned to the liquid state.  Salt, minerals and other organic materials have been removed from the boiling process.

Tap Water

This is water that comes straight from the faucet.  It may usually have been disinfected with chlorine and sediments removed.

Filtered Water

Filtered water is tap water that has been strained through filters to remove chlorine and other bacteria

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Be Confident In Who You Are; You Might Not Be Doing Anything Wrong.


[Repost and edit from my August 22, 2021 Blog]

This is my encouraging word for today… Be. Confident. In. Who. You. Are.  Self-esteem is a game changer. It could add to your success or your demise. So work on improving how you see yourself.  I would venture to say that you may not always be doing something wrong.  It may be that you just haven't found your tribe; your clique; or your team. 

Saying, or thinking that you're doing something wrong seems to be the go to answer when others find your actions out of alignment with their thinking and or timing.  But those same people somehow seem to accept similar behavior from others.

In my varied life experiences, I've seen people who follow the rules and try to do everything "right" and still don't seem to progress as much as they desire. Yet, people whom about we've pondered, "How the hell did they even learn to breathe"--seem to have amassed immeasurable success!

So, what's really going on?  Maybe, you are doing it right; but, not for the people you are currently