Saturday, June 8, 2024

4 Things to Consider to Stay Productive and Motivated While Working Remotely

For many people, working from home is the ideal situation as it helps cut down on the costs associated with work; and helps mesh work into their lifestyle.  So I think corporations and management should keep that same energy that they had when asking people to work during the peak of the pandemic. Having said that -

  1. Management should approach the solution of working from home as an extension to working from the office -- even if they never go back to the office again. Communicating with employees using various technologies like phone text, Zoom meetings, Google chat, WhatsApp, and even Skype --can increase  esprit de corps (spirit of the group) among team members.
  2. Assume the motivation is already there... until proven not to be.  Then use conflict/resolution strategies to find out what's going on just as you would during a counseling session, or a one-on-one session, back in the office.
  3. Ensure everyone is familiar with, and skilled in, the use of applications and technologies being used by the organization. Sometimes, people need additional training

Friday, June 7, 2024

The First Thing That Must Go Is Qualified Immunity

The NAACP Legal Defense Fund defines Qualified Immunity as more or less a rule that is used to protect law enforcement officers and other government officials from being held accountable when they violate people's constitutional rights.  It is not a law.  And it is a problem when we as a people work to hold officials and officers accountable.  

There is nothing that needs to be put on a ballot; nor law that needs to be overturned.  Current laws just needs to be applied and upheld just as they are for ordinary people.

It seems like a simple fix, but there doesn't seem to be the willingness to ensure that it is done.  I believe once they realize that the law also applies to them, they'll immediately stop some of the atrocities that are currently inflicting upon others.  They don't get to have a gun, taser, stick and partner and say they feared for their lives.  

If that is the case, then they should look for another job.  And if  then the police forces say that they can't find anyone to fill the jobs, then maybe they are trying to fill the wrong jobs or find another way to address the issues.

In short, there needs to be a revamping of the system.  Now is the time to do it.

#QualifiedImmunity #Justice #

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

VA Should Not Be Its Own Entity (Part 1)


The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), especially the Claims side of the VA,  should not be its own entity; especially the VA Claims.  It seems like it's one big money laundering scheme for the private sector.   

Full disclosure, I'm a Veteran.  And actually, the Services side of VA is pretty decent.   But the Claims side is mad awful.  This is about me and other veterans who have gone through the system only to be denied by people who have never served in the actual military a day in their life.

This is going to be a post that damn well might turn into an eBook because that's how much I have to say about this matter and how salty the "system" can make you feel.  And I hope every Service Member who has ever served thinks about this for themselves and for future Service Members.

Let's explore a few things.

Of the approximate 331,441,281 plus Americans identified in the 2020 Census, less than 50 million have served in any branch of service over the history of the country.  I found this Census Bureau pdf about Veterans very interesting.  In one section it mentions a "Declining size of the veteran population"…  Let's just say what it is.  They are DYING off, many without

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Job Seekers Beware!

Watch out for identity thieves!

Job seekers, beware of people trying to gather information concerning you! Mostly, nowadays, I work as an independent blogger, writer, consultant--what have you.  But I still apply for jobs from time to time. And it seems like some of the job listings are nothing more than information gathering schemes

I get that employers want to know a little bit about you; but if you are uploading a resume--or filling out a sampler profile sheet (and you shouldn't have to do both) then that should be enough!

In my opinion, asking for the place of birth, birth date and the like, is a bit intrusive.  That information has nothing to do with your ability to do the work requested.  Also, if you are sent to a page where there are "ads" amongst the application questions-- is a bad sign that it might not be a real job.

Finally, I personally question companies that want you to send in a free sample of your writings or work.  If they can't follow the link you've provided to your portfolio or website to see your work (so that you can at least get a site visit click for your time); --then you have to answer the question if those are people you really want to work for.

If you believe that you are being scammed, most job boards and job sites have a way to report that job so that it can be removed.  Hopefully they have something in place to catch most of the bad listings-- but they might not be able to get them all. Happy Hunting!