Wednesday, June 12, 2024

I Am Enjoying These New Progressive Congress Folk


Image by: RODNAE Productions on

These new progressive Congress people are the folk I've been waiting for.  My people!  And, we need more of them.  Sitting back, taking it all in was never the way in my opinion.  Lest we forget, at some point in history, Republicans and Democrats were pretty much interchangeable.

In my opinion, Progressives and so called Democratic Socialists have always had the voice of the people at heart.  I encourage voters to start looking into the politics of these two types of representatives. They seem to be smart, forthright and communicate very clearly about their positions and where they stand.

Frankly it's disappointing to think that for the past 70 years, we have not gotten any further than we have in

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Is there any thing too hard for the Lord [Word]?


[Repost & revision from previous Blog of January 6, 2011]

Sometimes when we are going through difficulties in life, we ask ourselves, “How am I gonna fix this one?” I suggest the question we should or could be asking is, “Is there any thing to hard for the Lord/Word?

This question was posed in the Bible in the book of Genesis 18:14. During this biblical episode a truth was revealed to me, which is:  At all times and in every situation, look to God which is described in John 1:1 as the Word. We should realize that there is nothing too hard for the Word. It is our strength and present help; our fortress and strong tower. You should either be thanking It for a provision, and/or deliverance; or asking for the pathway out.

In the episode mentioned in Genesis, Abraham and Sarah were being told that they would be having a

Monday, June 10, 2024

Let's Talk About Salt


[Repost from previous blog in November, 2020]

True story... I was sitting at the table and was trying to decide which salt to use;  Table Salt or Sea Salt.  My inner self quietly asked, "why do you need to add extra salt at all?"  And I replied:  Because I want it!! I love that taste and flavor!   So, I reached over and added a "little" of each. 😳  Yep, I did that.  Now, I'm writing about why--amongst other things.

I usually reach for the salt shaker because of habit.  In my younger years, when I exercised a lot, or did a lot of manual work, it wasn't an issue because I got a chance to sweat a lot.  Which, I think that might be the case for many people.  But now, I have a need to create a new habit.  Paying more attention to what and how I eat.

I've actually been moving in that direction for quite a while …since my days in the military.  But,

I'm Tired of Political Grifting


[Repost from April 19, 2023 previous blog]

I'm tired of political grifting from Republicans.  But, I'm tired of it from Democrats too.  I get more and more emails from organizations supposedly concerned about issues I care about. And at the end of the email or survey, there's always a "how's about sending us $5 dollars" pitch.

🤔…How's about elected officials do their damn jobs, and stop begging for money?  We elect them, pay them, and send them to Washington to vote to pass good legislature for the people--and yet what they seemingly do is fund raise.

If they actually focused on their jobs to write legislature to make things better for workers and regular people--they'd more than likely be re-elected!

Again, they get paid good--decent salaries, are afforded budgets for travel and have excellent health care… and yet, they are still begging for money.  Enough. Of. This. Bullshit.  I don't know what the damn "political action groups" are for other than further grifting.  I thought that was why we voted. The citizenry has been patiently waiting for politicians to do the right things.  And I know they see the hammer coming down, cause a lot of them are trying to git while the gittin's good.  But there are others who can't resist the grifting until there's nothing left.

I'm hoping 2024 will be the year the people decide it's time to clean out all the grifters. Because you