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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Co-Ops Should be a much Bigger Thing


Co-operatives (co-ops) should be much more of a thing than what they are.  I think that when the government doesn't want to do its job in helping the citizenry, an opportunity should be afforded to ordinary people.  Through co-ops, they can enter into the marketplace to offer and obtain reasonably priced goods and services, thus hopefully evening the playing field for consumers.

In my opinion, some businesses are way out of line when they charge extra high prices for goods and services during emergencies… AND PANDEMICS.  Considered by some to be commodities; those goods and services are important because they are simply needed to operate in the normal course of living. Businesses should be considerate of their customers

and the economy.  Especially when those same businesses  have been given financial help in the past from government bailouts to keep them afloat.  In my opinion,  It is not their water, it is not their gas, it is not their internet.  And that list could go on and on.  So what can we do?  A couple of things.  First, we could let the government manage and control all commodity-type goods and services.  The free market do the work through an assortment of government jobs, independent workers and corporate contractors.  Or, we could talk co-ops.

For now, let's take baby steps and think/talk co-ops.  What do you think about it?



co-operative is a member-owned business structure with at least five members, all of whom have equal voting rights regardless of their level of involvement or investment. All members are expected to help run the cooperative.

From <>

Interesting Website:

Google Search Results page:

[Starting with this article, I approach writing my blogs and posts a bit differently.  I am offering resources I used along with my thoughts and commentary so that you can both hear what I have to say, as well as give you a starting point to research for yourself.  Hopefully, this will make it more of an interactive space where we can learn and maybe grow together.]


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