Friday, October 11, 2024

If People Can’t See How Much of A Problem Trump Is, Let Them Be


I personally think it is time for all of the begging, pleading, and cajoling to cease. If people can’t see or refuse to remember how bad Trump and the Republicans were for the average American, then forget about them and focus on the voters and support you do have.

This is a repeat of the 2016 election. Everybody (now including me) spends all their time talking about what that idiot of a buffoon is doing instead of moving forward.  If you are going to talk about him, discuss how it seemed like every day there was a made up self-generated crisis that stressed people

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

I Have A Problem With All The Extra Civilians Sucking Up Money That Veterans Could Be Getting Directly—My Current Rant

It is understood that Service Members fight and defend these United States of America.  We have a civilian President, Vice-President and other officials who have rank over them in leadership roles.  No problem.

My problem is with the extra civilians that are hired in the VA, DFAS (Defense Finance and Accounting Service) and other important agencies who haven’t served a day in their lives and have no idea what Service Members actually go through.  If they want a civilian related job supporting the military, at least they should join the National Guard or Reserve so that they can have an idea of the full experience.

There are more than likely millions, if not billions of dollars that could go directly to veterans without going through the extra layer of bullshit.  As a matter of fact—the VA Claims department could be eliminated altogether.  Telling anybody who went through the minimum of Basic Training that there

Monday, September 30, 2024

Price Gouging Is Real Regardless of What the “Free Market” Says

Image: Microsoft AI Designer generated

The topic of Price Gouging has been in the public square lately.  In an article I saw online entitled Supply and Demand or Price Gouging? An Ongoing Debate, from the Harvard Business School Online, price gouging is simply defined as when companies raise prices to unfair levels. VP Harris has mentioned that she will address the issue when elected President as she should—as any President should have already been doing. 

Getting back to the article, I found it interesting because it was a clear explanation of how supply and demand works (on of the pillars of our economy) and how price gouging plays a negative role.  Visit the article mentioned above.  It is very enlightening.

I think businesses who take unfair advantage of their customers should be prosecuted.  I also think we as consumers are not necessarily powerless. We could decide not to pay the high price some businesses charge; but that is often labeled as ‘boycotting’ when it’s really not. Businesses need to get the message

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Roanoke Cashie Center Video Post Explore

Image: Rest Area outside the Roanoke Cashie Center

So, today, I'm practicing adding more video content to the site! 👀  You are probably aware that I have a YouTube channel and I want to start building it up along with my blog.  I have old,  I mean vintage videos from places I've visited and businesses I've interacted with that I thought might be interesting the very least good practise in adding content.  

Today, we are looking at the Roanoke Cashie Center in Windsor, North Carolina.  It is a preservation